Lipoma Removal Surgery by Dr Prashant Yadav, Dezire Clinic

Lumps, bumps or bulges formed under the skin because of fatty deposits are known as Lipomas. A single lump is a Lipoma, multiple lumps are Lipomas. Normally they are known to be non-cancerous. They are soft on touch, flexible & are considered benign. They normally develop between the skin & the muscle layer when fat deposits start accumulating in the tissues. The exact cause of a Lipoma cannot be precisely ascertained, however past analysis of reported cases has indicated that people who are passive and do not engage in a lot of physical activities, indulge in alcoholic drinks, have some family history of relatives having had a Lipoma earlier are more prone to developing Lipoma. Males & females, both can develop them at any age though majority of the cases reported had people suffering from Lipoma in the age bracket of 40-60 years. They are normally around 2 inches in diameter. Though sometimes Lipomas do grow abnormally large in some individuals. If one notices a sudden development of a bulge or a protrusion on the body then it is imperative to get the bulge diagnosed. A CT/MRI scan, physical examination of a sample of the skin of the lump region or examination via a microscope reveals the exact nature of the lump. Once it has been positively confirmed that it’s a Lipoma then based on the doctor’s advice further corrective procedure can be initiated. For Lipoma removal, a surgery via Liposuction is considered as the instant, safe & complete remedial solution. Apart from Liposuction, other remedies possible are Lipoma removal via Excision, via squeezing or via natural/home remedies. The Lipoma removal via Excision – the skin is lacerated & Lipoma is removed. Stitches are required. Squeeze technique – if the Lipoma is absolutely near to the skin surface, then depending on the doctor’s/ surgeon’s perspicacity, lipoma is removed via squeezing technique. A small opening is made on the skin surface & the lump is pushed out. Home/natural remedies have been found to have little/no effect on Lipomas. Normally a home remedy requires a lot of patience, perseverance & persistence with the procedure on a daily basis for a long time. In today’s era people do not have the time or patience, besides there is no guarantee that the Lipoma would be healed after months or years of following the remedial procedure. Hence opting for a Liposuction surgery is in fact a quick, efficient way to get rid of Lipoma. It is a minor surgery which is performed under local anaesthesia. The fat deposition is removed via emulsification. It is a normal walk-in, walk-out kind of surgery. No overnight stay in hospital is required. Ointment, antibiotics/antiseptic ointments are provided after the surgery & the individual can get back to work/normal life in a couple of days. Check out the videos in the playlist to find out more… You may contact us at any of our centres in Amdavad, Bengaluru, Delhi, Gurgaon, Kolhapur, Pune for treatments. Please visit our website – Dezire Clinic ( for more details.