B1 Life Skills Speaking & Listening Full Mock Test || Recent Exam Topics || Q & A 2023 Important

IELTS Life Skills – B1 Speaking and Listening IELTS Life Skills is for people who need to prove their English speaking and listening skills at Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) B1 Intermediate Level English. If you want to stay in the UK and need to take the IELTS Life Skills B1 test, discover preparation materials to help you get there. The UKVI Life Skills B1 is for those who want to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK or citizenship. Life Skills B1 is a secure English-language test (SELT) accepted by the United Kingdom Visa and Immigration Department as proof of your English-language proficiency. The test looks at your listening and speaking skills in the 22-minute test with an examiner and one other test taker. The second test taker’s performance will not affect your test results. An IELTS examiner will look at your English speaking and listening skills, and your ability to obtain and convey information, speak to communicate and engage in discussion. There are no band scores with any of the Life Skills tests, your results will be given as a pass or fail. You will be assessed on your ability to listen and respond to spoken English where you have to obtain and convey basic information and communicate on familiar topics. The examiner might ask you to describe a topic, give opinions or preferences and justify those, and explain and expand on a topic. You will also be expected to communicate with both the examiner and the other test taker. Parts of IELTS B1 Speaking & Listening Section Total Time of Test : 22 minutes Part 1 : Interview What's your full name? Can you Spell your name? Where do you live? How long it's been you are living there? Part 1: Phase 1 a ( Discuss) Candidate A and B talk to each other about your free time activities for two minutes. Part 2 : Phase 1b ( Cue Questions) Each Candidate talks about a topic for one and a half minute . Other Partner has to ask 3 follow up questions from what was said. 7 minutes are allowed for this part , examiner allows one minute to think. Part3 : Phase 2a ( Listening) Two recordings are played Each Candidate answers 3 questions asked by the examiner. Time for this section is 5 minutes Part 4 : Phase 2b ( Roleplay+ Discussion) Section 1 : Role play ( 2 minutes) Candidate A and Candidate B plan for holiday together. Section 2: Discussion ( 4 minutes) Examiner, Candidate A & Candidate B together talk about a topic For example: Talk about your free time activities in your childhood compared with your free time activities now. IELTS B1 Life Skills Important Speaking Topics 1. Introduction 2. Family 3. Friends 4. Weather 5. Season 6. Food 7. Daily routine 8. Evenings 9. Birthday 10. Wedding anniversary 11. Festival 12. Learn English 13. Travelling 14. Transport 15.Music 16. Play/ Drama 17. Film 18. Watching tv 19. Computer 20. Mobile phone 21.Social application 22. Tv Channel 23. News Channel 24. Reading 25. Writing 26. Study 27. Work 28. Handicraft/ homemade things 29. Weekend 30. Neighbor 31. Neighborhood 32. Coronavirus 33. Free time activities 34. Museum 35. Historical building 36. Hometown 37. Health 38. Shopping 39. Buying goods 40. Favorite picture 41. Housing 42. Favorite cuisine 43. Favorite restaurant 44. Favorite shopping mall 45. Favorite actor 46. Sports and games 47. Outdoor activities 48. Famous Person 49. Favorite Person 50. Street 51.Study of Nature 52. Social Media 53. Pollution 54. Friendship 55.Website 56.Technology 57. Online Shopping 59. School Days 60. Facilities This video carries "IELTS B1 Life Skills" "B1 SELT" List of important Topics for permanent citizenship in the UK. Real Exam Pattern of "IELTS B1 Life Skills UKVI". 60 Important topics"IELTS B1 Life Skill". #english #ielts #ukvisa #lifeskills #learnenglish #b1 #b1speaking For Online Classes with Miss Angelina Contact: Facebook: www.facebook.com/learnenglishwithangelina Whatsapp: 00923314500908 Skype: join.skype.com/invite/oqytiFhXFBwf ( Learn English with Miss Angelina) Email: missannaangelina1@gmail.com