Ch 6-Apologetics

What is Apologetics? Apologetics comes from the Greek word apologia, meaning a 'reasoned defence'. 1 Peter 3:15-16 states: "But in your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer [apologia] to everyone who asks you for the reason for the hope that you have, but do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience." These free videos on Apologetics, the defence of the Judaeo-Christian faith, have been created for you through research, investigation and the discovery of fact and evidence. These movies feature top international speakers talking on compelling, challenging and sometimes controversial topics. Films will be added to the Apologetics Channel and it is advised to check regularly for new programmes. 🧐- To check out our 25 channels and specials on YouTube click here 🧐 - For end time discernment and warnings go to Bethel Communications at 🧐- For end time discernment and warning VIDEOS go to ‘The Truth is Out There’ at 🧐- To catch up with other Weekend Progs, go directly to - or click on channel 1 on the Global Vision TV website at 🧐 ++++ MORE INFO ++++ Global Vision TV is the FREE internet TV network for Christians with over 25 channels and lots of SHORT answers from sound Bible teachers and experts to over 1,000 of YOUR questions. - Established in 2005, Global Vision TV has recently moved to the YT platform for the interim. - To be informed of new programmes & films, please click the big red SUBSCRIBE button / then the grey bell above OR at - More info on the website at