2021 a year in songs

Subscribe to our Youtube channel CitySlang.lnk.to/SubscribeFF - This playlist highlights some of our favourite music and videos that we have released this year, including Noga Erez, Pom Pom Squad, Zouj, Caribou and more. SUBSCRIBE NOW to our channel and you will receive our artists' latest official music videos, new music, tour information, behind-the-scenes footage and more CitySlang.lnk.to/SubscribePD Facebook CitySlang.lnk.to/FacebookPD Spotify CitySlang.lnk.to/SpotifyPD Instagram CitySlang.lnk.to/InstagramPD Website CitySlang.lnk.to/WebsitePD Youtube CitySlang.lnk.to/SubscribePD Twitter CitySlang.lnk.to/TwitterPD www.cityslang.com/