Helping Forests Walk (climate adaptation)

(61 total videos) - "Helping Forests Walk" is an indigenous American term for the climate adaptation method developed by foresters called "assisted migration". Connie Barlow is a well-known advocate of this method for preventing native tree extinctions in this century of too-rapid climate change. In 2004 she launched the citizen's group "Torreya Guardians", which used a plant-specific exemption in the Endangered Species Act to begin helping FLORIDA TORREYA (a glacial relict conifer) move back into its presumed pre-glacial range of the southern Appalachian Mountains, and even farther north. In 2013 she began video-documenting the group's actions, and in 2014 she began video-documentation and advocacy of assisted migration for native USA trees in other regions of the USA. Tree species she has advocated for poleward assistance include COAST REDWOODS (9 videos in its playlist), ALLIGATOR JUNIPER (9 videos in its playlist), JOSHUA TREE (5 videos in its playlist), ROCKY MOUNTAIN CONIFERS (3 videos in this playlist), Torrey Pine, Arizona Cypress, and various deciduous trees of the eastern USA that lost their seed disperser when Passenger Pigeons went extinct. As well, Barlow includes in this playlist an introduction to her "assisted migration" series and video of an academic presentation she made in 2015, titled "Foresters Outpace Conservation Biologists in Climate Adaptation." Connie Barlow's biography and publications page: Annotated list of all videos in her "Climate, Trees, and Legacy" (CTL) series: Website of Torreya Guardians: