Ex Vegan Interviews - Youtubers share their stories and eat meat | The Primal Edge Health Podcast

Vegetable Police, Alyse of Raw Alignment, Bobby’s Perspective, Sv3rige, Tim Shieff….the list of ex vegan youtubers goes on and on. Why are so many vegans going carnivore and keto? Hear their stories and experience for yourself. They eat meat and get their life back! The Primal Edge Health podcast is hosted by Tristan Haggard, founder of Primal Edge Health. We use animal based nutrition, the ketogenic diet, the carnivore diet, whole unrefined ancestral foods, regenerative agriculture, homesteading, and a holistic lifestyle approach for health, vitality, and optimal performance so we can thrive and bring others along for the ride. Build healthy bodies, homes, families, and communities together, because we are far more than what we eat. For all episodes and to subscribe, visit www.primaledgehealth.com