TVB Straight Talk/清心直說

Hang on to your seats and get ready for some straight talk. What are Hong Kong’s newsmakers really thinking? Wouldn’t it be great to watch and hear them talk straight about politics, poverty, pollution, housing shortages, high rents, unaffordable homes, and everything else that affects you? Now you can…on Straight Talk…a talk show on Pearl. Straight Talk is cutting edge, in-depth, informative, and entertaining all at the same time. What’s more, it’ll keep you up to date on current affairs. TVB Straight Talk/清心直說 . 每集邀請不同嘉賓及新聞人物,深入暢論政治、民生、社會等各方面與大家息息相關的話題,有話直說,讓大家緊貼時事。 時刻緊貼無綫新聞 TVB News新聞資訊: 立即下載《無綫新聞》 《無綫新聞》網站 24小時直播頻道: 無綫新聞台 無綫財經 · 資訊台