Shilo Inn - Jingle (1993)
The TV Madman
Long John Silver's - Baked! (1994)
Long John Silver's - Baked! [15 sec] (1994)
Domino's - Something for Nothing song (1994)
VHS Potpourri - Circus Pizza Kids Rule! fragment [21sec] (1994)
Multimedia Entertainment logo [6 sec] (1994)
Fisher Price - Walking On Sunshine (2003)
Diet Coke - Just For The Taste song ["Feeling Good"] (1996)
Bounty - Dinosaur Spill Attack (1996)
JC Penney - We've Changed song [1 min] (1992)
Bud Light - Softball (1992)
Starburst - Start Up The Juice song (1987)
A&P - We Built A Proud New Feeling (1987)
Carvel Ice Cream lo-fi song (1987)
Wendy's - Summer Kinda Hungries song (1987)
Moet SportsCenter sponsorship [39 sec] (1986)
Buick Riviera - Classic All Over Again song (1988)
Raisinets - Sunny Days/Catch Some Raisinets song (1988)
Pillsbury Microwave Side Dishes jingle [Truly Great Jingle] (1988)
Old Milwaukee - Logan Pass Montana (1987)
Chevrolet Celebrity Eurosport song (1986)
Chevrolet Camaro song (1986)
Miller - Clear Promise song (1986)
Close Up song [15 sec] (1991)
Domino's - The Sooner The Betta song (1991)
Huggies Pull-Ups - I'm A Big Kid Now song (1991)
Wheaties - What The Big Boys Eat [Rugby] (1986)
Coca Cola - Red White and You song (1986)
Burger King Nuggets - Nothin' Like the Real Thing song (1986)
Chevrolet - Cavalier [Listen to the Heartbeat song] (1988)
McDonald's Mac Tonight (1988)
English Leather Some Guys song (1988)
Goodyear - Questions (1988)
Miss Lee Press On Nails song (1988)
Nestle Raisinets - Catch Some Raisinets song (1991)
Flintstones Complete Vitamins [15 sec] (1991)
Ragu Chicken Tonight song (1991)
Yoplait - Nothin' On The Bottom song (1988)
Pringles Ridges - Crunchious song (1994)
Malibu Musk - Funky Rare song [30 sec] (1994)
Preferred Stock cologne song [15 sec] (1994)
Chevrolet Sprint - Running (1986)
Miller Beer - Made the American Way song (1986)
All - Grimy Paws On My Favorite Shirt song [Leon Redbone] (1991)
Burger King - BK Broiler ["Your Way Right Away"] (1991)
Ocean Spray - Bobby McFerrin [15 sec] (1991)
Hellman's - Bring Out The Best [15 sec] (1991)
JC Penney - Fashion Expo Sale [Less Damaged] (1991)
Taco Bell - Chicken [Little Richard & "Piano Guy" (1991)
Toyota - July is Jumpin' song (1986)
US Army - More Before 9am [Jake Holmes] (1986)
Chevrolet - Listen to the Heartbeat song [young voices] (1988)
Mattel - PJ Sparkles song (1989)
Matchbox Superfast song (1989)
Nestle Toll House - Best Time of Year song (1989)
Fruit of the Loom Casual Wear - It's Your Time (1991)
Home Alone on Videocassette song [15 sec] (1991)
Diet Coke - Katrina Witt (1991)
Lipton Cup O Soup [10 sec] (1986)
Malibu Fragrance - Funky Rare [15 sec] (1991)
Stein Optical - Big 2 Do sale [10 sec] (1991)
Kellogg's - Famous People Who Eat Corn Flakes (1986)
Diet Coke - Elton John in the Movies "There's Just One" (1991)
Mennen - Teen Spirit [15 sec] (1991)
Safeguard - Play It Safeguard song (1990)
Washington Square Mall - Fun With a Holiday Flair (1998)
Oscar Mayer - Hello Deli! [featuring Carol Channing] (1986)
Speedway - Fresh Coffee Guarantee (2006)
Hardee's - The Competition Goes Fishin' (1985)
Milwaukee Area Mazda dealers - Good Deals (1985)
"Funky Chimes" by Joe Raposo (2021 Stereo Mix)
Nelson Brothers - New Bedroom (1985)
Coplan Milwaukee - Warehouse Sale (1985)
Buick Somerset [Milwaukee] (1985)
McDonald's - Introducing Breakfast Burrito (1991)
Bounce - Reminds Me Of... ["Jump In" song] (1988)
WTBS Laverne and Shirley "Weekdays" jingle [10 sec] (1988)
Stouffers French Bread Pizza - Smothers Brothers [15 sec] (1988)
Kudos I'm Yours song (1986)
Atune song (1984)
Firestone - America's Driving [version 2] (1984)
Sharp Electronics - Sharp Video song (1984)
Jeep - Buffalo Thru Town "Only In A Jeep" (1984)
McDonald's - Stranger In The House [1 min] (1984)
Close Up - Want Love song ["Island" version] {15 sec} (1989)
Folgers - Wake Up Dad (1989)
McDonald's - Breakfast at Our Morning Place song (1989)
Pick 'n Save Advantage [February 1989]
Snickers - It's 11:03pm On Campus (1989)
Soft & Dri - Wanna Stay Cool song ["Spring Break"] (1989)
Honda Civic - All New [featuring Jonathan Merrill] (1991)
Certs - Fresh Breath Speaks For Itself (1988)
KFC Is Home song (1988)
Arrid Extra Dry - Get a Little Closer song [15 sec] (1988)
Ford - T-Bird Escort Taurus ["Winning the World Over"] (1987)
Ford Ranger pickups - Winning the World Over (1987)
Arm & Hammer Carpet Deodorizer - Introduce Your Carpet song (1987)
Hellmann's - Bring Out the Best song [15 sec] (1992)
Jeno's Pizza Rolls - Whats A Matter You?? (1986)
Mr. Clean - Is It Wet? song (1986)
Pillsbury Microwave French Bread song (1986)
WMYX 99 FM - 99 To 5 song (1986)
Reynolds Wrap - Use Reynolds Wrap To Clean song [15 sec] (1986)
Pizza Hut - Double Take (1992)
Foot Locker - Got A Sale For Your Body song (1986)
Midwest Express Airlines - Best Care In The Air song [nonstop to Tampa] (1986)
Florida Grapefruit - Don't Just Have To Have It In The Morning song (1990)
Extra Gum - Extra Flavor song (1990)
Heiser Lincoln Mercury - Go Stubby Go! (1991)
Coast - Feel Alive song [45 sec] (1986)
Pick N Save - The Advantage song [Nabisco and milk deal] (February 1991)
Alberto - Hairspray song [15 sec] (1986)
Mountain Dew - Get Vertical With Dew song ["Windsurfing"] (1992)
Mountain Dew - Get Vertical With Dew song ["Dirtbikes"] (1992)
Diet Pepsi - Ray's Trial (1992)
Diet Pepsi - Ray's Real Magic (1992)
Lemon Clorox 2 song (1992)
Listerine - "Tarzan Boy" (1992)
Glade - Plug In Shell (1992)
First Wisconsin Fireworks - It's A Blast (1992)
Pizza Hut - Free Pie In July song ["Another Reason"] (1992)
Pizza Hut - Free Pie In July song ["Perfect Summer"'] (1992)
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes - I Won't Grow Up (1992)
Little Debbie - I Love song (1992)
Michelob - Some Days Are Better Than Others song (1991)
It's A Whole New NBC promo [30 sec] (1992)
New Improved Wisk - Not Just For Collars jingle (1987)
Raid Yard Guard - Don't Go Out In The Yard Without song (1992)
Slim Fast - It's A Way Of Life song [45 sec] (1992)
Hillshire Farms - It's Fresh! song (1990)
Florida Keys "In The Keys" {"Oversleepin'"} (1990)
Close Up - Want Love Get Close Up song (1986)
Crave - My Kitty Cat song (1986)
Medipren - Haven't Got Time For The Pain song (1987)
No Nonsense Control Top - Monologue (1986)
Stouffer's Lean Cuisine - You Did It! song (1986)
Taco Bell - New Fajitas [Little Richard, Janette Caldwell, T. Graham Brown] (1992)
Time Life Books - Home Improvement song [2 min] (1984)
Shake n' Bake - Betcha Didn't Know Song (1983)
Michigan Apples - More Than Just Purdy song (1984)
Dairy Queen - "In The Land Of Dairy Queen" Frozen Cakes (1987)
Doublemint Gum - Double Pleasure song (1986)
Equal - Most Everywhere Sugar Goes song (1987)
Hostess - Sweet Sensation song (1986)
Tampax - It's A Special Day [Tennis] (1987)
Bubbl-Eez Bubble Gum - Asteroid Mission (1987)
Tampax - It's A Special Day [Court] (1987)
Florida Keys - "In The Keys" song {"Drain your Brain"} (1990)
Crispy Wheats and Raisins - Never Been A Crisp Like This [version 3] (1987)
Golden Grahams - Golden Grahams Day [version 3] (1987)
Goldrush Ice Cream - Just Can't Lick song (1987)
Honey Nut Cheerios - Tempt Your Tummy [with WoF/Vanna White promo] (1987)
Chicago Is Calling Me Home - George Wendt/Second City (1987)
Charmin Free - Plenty of Nothing [15 sec] (1987)
Bounce - Jump In song [version 2] (1987)
Kohl's Food Stores - We Built a Proud New Feeling (1987)
Best Buy - Who You Are jingle (1989)
Pizza Hut - Pepperoni Lovers "Pickin' on Me" song [featuring Dr. John] (1989)
Marc's Big Boy - America Loves It's Big Boy song (Fresh Summer Specials) (1989)
KFC - Fun, Fun, Fun With Kentucky Fried Chicken song (1989)
Kodak - True Colors song (1989)
Oxydol Box of the Ox song (1990)
Toyota MR2 / FX 16 - Whole Lotta Dealin' (1987)
Nissan - Hardbody 4x4 (1986)
Folgers - Family's Back Today [Best Part Of Waking Up song] (1987)
Walt Disney World 15 Year Party song (1987)
Avon - Look How Good You Look Now [15 sec] (1986)
Leggs Sheer Energy - Tap Dancers (1986)
National Dairy Board - Milk's Got More song [version 2] (1986)
McDonald's - Hand Warmin' "Hot and Beefy" (1986)
McDonald's - Hand Warmin' "Hot to Go" (1986)
McDonald's - Hand Warmin's Back [1 min] (1986)
Maybelline - I'm At My Best / Expert Eyes [2x15 sec] (1986)
Fruit Wrinkles - Let Me Get Wrinkled song (1987)
Folgers - New House and Your First Day [45 sec] (1987)
Noah's Ark - Gonna Be a Water Animal {Congo Bongo} (1992)
Folgers - Day Goes Like It Should [45 sec] (1986)
Carrnation Instant Breakfast song (1986)
Quaker Instant Oatmeal - Warm Warm Warm song (1986)
National Dairy Board - Real Cheese song (1986)
Stroh's - Stroh's Is Spoken Here song (1987)
Taco Bell - Hello Summer song [Seafood Salad] (1987)
Parkay - Its Okay song (1987)
Ernie Von Schledorn - 30th Anniversary Sale (1990)
Lee - Bikini Bare "Go for It/Bare As You Dare" song (1987)
Nissan - Hardbody [version 3] (1986)
Mr. Goodwrench - Not Just A Car It's Your Freedom song (1989)
Maaco - Ogling Women (1984)
Mercury - Shape You Want to Be In song (1986)
dePaul Rehabilitation Hospital (1984)
Pontiac Bonneville - Excitement song (1986)
Oldsmobile Calais - Knights of Olds (1984)
AT&T - Truckin' Song (1983)
WITI TV6 - You Sure Look Like A Winner [version 2] (1980)
WITI - You Sure Look Like A Winner [long version 1] {1 min} (1980)
WITI TV6 - You Sure Look Like A Winner [version 1] (1980)
GMC - This Is The Land song [1 min] (1988)
Jeep - Thrill of the Wild: Only in a Jeep (1983)