Doctor Who - Series 10 Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Aaron S.
Doctor Who - Series 10 Title Sequence (Series 6 Style)
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Doctor Who - 'The Day of the Doctor' Title Sequence (Series 10 Style)
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Doctor Who - Series 7 Title Sequence (Series 1 Style)
Doctor Who - 'Heaven Sent' Title Sequence (Series 6 Style)
Doctor Who - 'Resolution' Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - Series 12 Title Sequence ('Asylum of the Daleks' Style)
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Doctor Who - 'Revolution of the Daleks' Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘Eve of the Daleks’ Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
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Doctor Who - ‘The Star Beast’ Title Sequence (Series 10 Style)
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Doctor Who - ‘The Eleventh Hour’ Title Sequence (60th Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Giggle’ Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘Deep Breath’ Title Sequence (60th Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Parting of the Ways’ Title Sequence (60th Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘Eve of the Daleks’ Title Sequence (60th Specials Style)
Doctor Who - Season 1/Series 14 Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘Empire of Death’ Title Sequence (Series 6 Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’ Title Sequence (Series 8 Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Waters of Mars’ Title Sequence (Season 1/Series 14 Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Legend of Ruby Sunday’ Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Pandorica Opens’ Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘Empire of Death’ Title Sequence (Series 13/Specials Style)
Doctor Who - ‘A Good Man Goes to War’ Title Sequence (Season 1/Series 14 Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Power of the Doctor’ Title Sequence (Series 4 Style)
Doctor Who - ‘The Day of the Doctor’ Title Sequence (Series 4/Specials Style)