Casey Smith Talk at K25 Baseball 2022 (ft. Coach Ferber, Chris Colabello, Joey Cunha, Bobby Tewksbary) Pre ABCA Roundtable Hitting Talk

Like Brittany Spears once said “Ooops we did it again”! A group of the best hitting guys on the planet got together at the ABCA this year and I hired a camera man to film it all so you can have a sneak peak into some of the greatest minds in all the game of baseball. This was Casey Smith, @outfronthitting on Instagram (if you’re not following him, go do yourself a favor and do that now) he was my former teammate in the Padres organization and one hell of a hitter and now world renowned hitting coach. This is a 5 part video series where Casey takes us through a few things he does to help communicate with his hitters to get them to have the most success they can. This is a must watch for any baseball coach, hitting coach, swing coach, baseball dad, or anyone interested in helping hitters have a lot of success. You’ll also see/hear from Jason Ferber @coachferber, Bobby Tewksbary @peloteroapp, Chris Colabello @cc20rake, Joey Cunha @_joeycunha in this video series. Be sure to fillow all these fine gentlemen. 🎥 by the talented @Chanterprise aka Ronny Howard Shoutout to K25 Baseball Facility at: 200 Alder Dr. North Aurora, IL 60542 🛒 Shop for all your baseball training equipment!