Claire Denis and Robert Pattinson: High Life preview at BAM

High Life opens Apr 11 at BAM. To mark the opening, and our retrospective of her work, Claire Denis and Robert Pattinson sat down with Rolling Stone's David Fear following a preview screening of High Life. Claire Denis launches into the farthest reaches of outer space for her dazzling English language debut, a science-fiction head-exploder starring an international cast—including Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, and André Benjamin—as a crew of societal castoffs on an expedition to harvest the energy from black holes. But it’s the corporeal rather than the cosmic that most concerns these unlikely astronauts, as matters of sex and survival threaten to doom the mission. Shocking, intense, and mysterious, High Life is one of Denis’ most mesmerizing variations yet on her recurring themes of desire, intrusion, and human connection. Buy Tickets Here: