Ciarb YMG World Tour: Arbitration and mediation as a global force for good.
Ciarb Young Members Group (YMG) presents an international regional series of webinars and in-person conferences which highlight the unique importance and efficiency dispute resolution plays in allowing the world’s economy to remain operative during times of great economic uncertainty. Perhaps no greater time of economic uncertainty has existed than today. Drawing from their intellectual wealth, toolkits and vast networks, the next generation of dispute resolution practitioners have framed a global crisis into an opportunity.
Focused on the unique importance and efficiency of dispute resolution during a time when entire nations' judiciaries have been crippled, this group of dispute resolution rockstars have produced eleven international regional conferences in Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand, The Caribbean and Central America, China and Scandinavia, Europe, India, The Middle East and Turkey, North America, CIS and Eastern Europe and South America for a dispute resolution world tour entitled, “Arbitration and Mediation As A Global Force For Good.”
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