Knowledge of Christ in Today's World

This 8-part series, presented by Dallas Willard on June 26-27, 2003, became the foundation for the book “Knowing Christ Today.” At the time, Dallas had begun writing an academic book called “The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge,” and he saw this series as a way to help the church community understand the reasons for his concern about the loss of moral knowledge in our culture. He concludes the teaching by pointing out the important role pastors and the Church play in redeeming this situation. Dallas said he hoped that one outcome of this teaching is that when we see the phrase "knowledge of God," we will understand it as "interactive relationship with God." If you would like to dig deeper into the topics presented here, visit us at to learn about the books "Knowing Christ Today" and "The Disappearance of Moral Knowledge," and many other related resources. This was recorded at a weekend retreat hosted in the home of generous apprentices of Christ who wanted to produce a video series for the simple purpose of allowing more people to learn from Dallas. We are incredibly grateful for this gift! Be sure to download Dallas's handouts so you can follow along.… #DallasWillard #KnowingChrist #MoralKnowledge #Disappearanceofmoralknowledge