In a room full of art you’d still stare at me - EP 12
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I am just a vibe you can’t find nowhere else - EP 12
Don’t talk just act, don’t say just do, don’t promise just prove - EP 12
The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do - EP 12
Love yourself so much that when someone treats you wrong, you recognize it. - EP 12
Life is not a song sweetling, someday you may learn that to your sorrow - EP12
Kill the boy and let the man be born - EP 12
Never forget what you are, the rest of world will not. wear it like armor and it can - EP 12
Queen you shall be, until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast - EP 12
Never fear no matter how big you enemy is - EP 12
I am not a player, I am a gamer - ep 11
Gamers don’t fear the apocalypse. - ep 11
Eat, Sleep, Play repeat - ep 11
Entrepreneurship is like a computer game in which you have to master every level before achi - EP 10
Life is the game that must be played, this truth at least, good friends, - EP 10
How I hate the Beautiful Game! I hate its cry-baby players and its gruff, - EP 10
Weirdness is not my game. I'm just a square boy from Wisconsin. - EP 10
When you come out and know you're singing the national anthem, it gives you a buzz . - EP 10
Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, - EP 10
To me, cricket is a simple game. Keep it simple and just go out and play. - EP 10
Football is now all about money. There are problems with the values within the game. - EP 10
It’s a-me, Mario - EP 10
People love the good until they find the better - EP 8
If you think money can’t buy the happiness, then transfer it to my account. - EP 8
The person with an innocent heart and an evil mind is best combination ever - EP 8
I am Different, F*ck your opinion - EP 8
The sky is above me, Earth is below me, people are around me, but the devil is within me - EP 8
I am, therefore I play
In a Game Community, the rules and officials decide if the players are good enough to play
Games are like Rorschachs made of human relationships - ep 5
Joy is overwhelming fun – fun so big that it overflows your mind, heart, body – ep 5
When the going gets tough, the tough do what they do, while the wise find the game in it - ep 5
My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush - ep 1
Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts - ep 1
You know you’ve reached middle age when you’re cautioned to slow down by - ep 1
There is no sunrise so beautiful that it is worth waking me up to see it - ep 1
Surely you can’t be serious - ep 1
It’s playtime game - ep 1
Just care for playing - ep 1
Play because you want to - ep 1
You won’t leave playing once play ‘ em - ep 1
No match for our games - ep 1
I really think everything is fair game - ep 7
Energy innovation is not a nationalistic game - ep 7
Sacrilege is acceptable only as a game - ep 7
A pool game mixes ritual with geometry - ep 7
Life is short, death is forever. - ep 2
Time is the soul of this world. - ep 2
If youth knew; if age could. - ep 2
Silence is an answer too - ep 2
Every wall is a door. - ep 2
I loaf you so much - EP 2
You, me, and tacos - EP 2
I value your friend-chip - EP 2
I’m soy glad we’re friends - EP 2
Friend fries - EP 2