兄弟最重要,这是一个比较关键的部位啊#中国功夫 #搞笑 #杂技 #杂技表演#show (来源于网络)#shorts
搞错了,再来~#非遗文化 #喷火 #绝技#show #shorts
飞人小姐姐来啦,带来视觉震撼~#高难度动作 #杂技表演(来源于网络) #shorts
Hit the balloon in a handstand, the stage is everywhere#handstand #flip #onehorse #show #shorts
Boomerang stunts, eight boomerangs thrown and then steadily catch, a set of actions flowing #show
Always on the go, never stopping #acrobatics #aerial thickening (from the internet) #show #shorts
Swords are fake? The culture inherited from our ancestors is real #swallowing swords#show #shorts
Must see the end, acrobatic masters in the people #third view #live shot#show #shorts
Fire removes the evil year and brings good health to all #Fire pots #shorts
I don't see this kind of acrobatics anymore. masters in the community #stunts #juggling#shorts
This is a non-heritage skill that not many people can accomplish! #live shot#show #shorts
A young man's bare feet on a burning red iron plate is amazing #live #acrobatics#show #shorts
Practice one breath inside and the muscles and bones outside, all are real kung fu!#show #shorts
There are not that many gifted people, the good ones always work hard to get over the mountains
This is not western magic, this is our culture that has been passed down for thousands of years
A disabled man with a strong will practiced the long lost Scorpion Kung Fu with his hands!#shorts
Songshan Shaolin Temple, China, the young contestants are really great#Chinese kung fu#show #shorts
Restoring the goldfish's colorful and beautiful tail #nonheritage #shorts
装酒不漏装水尽失??竟然真有这样得容器存在#非遗传承 #传统手艺 #百young非遗计划 #非遗(内容来源于网络)#shorts
Just work hard, don't ask where you're going #work hard #dream #acrobatics#show #shorts
中华流传了上千的非遗炒土馍!一个村一年就要吃掉一座山!你见过吗?#地方特色美食 #山西特产 #土炒琪(内容来源于网络) #shorts
Unbelievable! This cat is embroidered...Chinese craftsmen are masters of their craft! #shorts
It's not a special effect, it's a non-heritage kettle #kettle #non-heritage #stunts#show #shorts
When you're young, you should do something meaningful #show #shorts
This is the stick technique that the monkey used to make a big mess in the Heavenly Palace, right?
Hammer Drill to the Solar Plexus, Man Holds on for a Moment to Surprise the World! #shorts
The shadow on the ground proves that real kung fu can't be faked #lightweightkungfu #shorts
The masters are in the community! The best of the best are the boldest! #show #shorts
The Four Famous Embroideries of China, Suzhou Embroidery is a high class beauty#shorts
这是用苏绣针线绣出来的青铜器,有没有被它的金属感和立体感震撼到?#苏绣 #青铜器 #非遗传承(来源于@针传绣庄)#shorts
Flexible fat man demonstrates Chinese Kung Fu,each move is followed by a thousand training sessions!
The acrobatic show is thrilling! (From the Internet) #show #shorts
How can we do what we want, but we should not be ashamed of ourselves! #show #shorts
现实版“小哪吒”,网友在飘色巡游中拍到的一幕#现场实拍 #非物质文化遗产 #传统文化习俗#非遗文化(来源于网络) #shorts
工作之余习练传武八极拳,用行动诠释着双重身份的担当#八极拳 #传统武术(来源于@张恩)#shorts
You and I are both dark horses #juggling #juggling #juggling skills#chuan opera #show #kungfu#shorts
It takes mutual understanding and trust to accomplish these moves #acrobatics #show #shorts
Finally, I know why Xia Dongchun is so proud to say that it's Suzhou embroidery, you can't afford it
Appreciate the Chinese style sword, promote Chinese martial arts #wushu #kungfu #shorts
Chinese kung fu, invincible legs and fists, speed is the only thing that matters#shorts
三异绣,异色,异针,异形,相反两面图形不同,针法不同,会绣的人越来越少了,中国传统文化博大精深#老手艺 #三异绣(来源于@马艳文苏绣生活馆)#shorts
Craftsmanship and seamlessness, the original magical technique of Suzhou embroidery #Su embroidery
Take a look at a real traditional embroidered wedding dress made in three months #embroidery #shorts
Rare footage of the National Wushu Champion demonstrating Baji Quan! #martial arts#shorts
Silk-skating is not music, it's a thousand-hammered skill #crafters #non-heritage#shorts
Li Ziqi said, non-heritage culture it is like extremely a dying old man #non-heritage culture#shorts
这一眼,四十多年的功力,两千六百多年历史 #苏绣(内容来源于@不偷懒的姚建萍)#shorts
花快要开啦!逼真程度一度怀疑眼睛!#苏绣(内容来源于@不偷懒的姚建萍)#shorts 7197225671741951291
变脸还变装,浙婺的武戏真的太牛了,终于现场看到这个变脸了#婺剧#戏曲(来源于@ Chean晟)#shorts
The stage is everywhere and it's scary to watch#national culture #non-heritage #show #shorts
冬日暖阳让吴桥杂技演出更热烈!出手都是真功夫!#台上一分钟台下十年功(内容来源于@吴桥杂技庞姐)#show #shorts
Acrobatic fire kettle fire dance, fire cube, do you see this shocking? #show #shorts
马踏飞燕名不虚传,还是顺拐跑得快🤣#看一遍笑一遍 #搞笑 #热门 #搞笑视频#shorts
It's not a horrible legend, it's just a way for heroes to return to their hometowns and roots#shorts
绣出盛世繁花,指尖上的传奇工艺 #非遗文化 #东方美学 #苏绣 #绣娘 #shorts
The White Bone Monkey Changes Face ~ not only face, but also costume #Opera #show #shorts
“属于中国人的浪漫,中国非遗文化打铁花!”#打铁花 #非物质文化遗产 #前艾钢钢 #非遗技艺(内容来源于网络) #show #shorts
Traditional folk acrobatics “playing flower stick”, sound and emotion, vivid! #show #shorts
马踏飞燕真是绝了,跑步是顺拐#高难度动作#搞笑 #shorts
Who says this English song and dance is bad? This English song and dance is great! #show #shorts
The heritage of the national essence of face-changing, slowed down ten times to see how to change it
ICH kettle show, was blown away by the kettle show #Water kettle show was amazing #show #shorts
顶起的不仅是板凳,更是一种非遗文化的传承!#非遗 #杂技 #传承文化(内容来源于@文化传承 宗杰) #show #shorts
非遗糖画制作技艺日趋精妙,如今各地古城小吃街都游走着糖画技艺的传承人#糖人技艺 #糖画(内容来源于@糖豆美食)#shorts
台上一分钟,台下十年功,小伙真厉害 #非遗文化 #绝活 #专业动作请勿模仿#杂技(内容来源于@六朝觉铭) #shorts
How can we do what we want, but we should not be ashamed of ourselves!#shorts
You have to go and feel the romance of non-heritage culture #non-heritage kettles #shorts
Lacquer as a brush, water as a painting, each lacquer fan is unique #lacquer fan #suzhou#shorts
95-year-old boy spits fire in the rain and wows the audience #nonheritage #firebreathing#shorts#show
再苦再累,当你们尖叫的那一瞬间所有的辛苦都是值得的(内容来源网络@六朝觉铭)#非遗文化 #喷火 #绝活 #吐火 #川剧#show #shorts
表演中华杂技,口吐龙珠和钢筋绕脖(内容来源网络@六朝觉铭)#杂技 #绝活 #台上一分钟台下十年功 #高手在民间 #非遗文化#show #shorts
台上一分钟,台下十年功(内容来源网络@六朝觉铭)#非遗文化 #国粹 #重庆 #吐火 #杂技#shorts
在街头表演,面对万众瞩目的眼神你会慌吗?(内容来源网络@六朝觉铭)#非遗文化 #喷火 #绝活 #川剧 #show #shorts
台上一分钟,台下十年功(内容来源网络@原声社·非遗男团)#非遗文化 #国粹 #重庆 #国风 #杂技#shorts
00后小伙扛起非遗传承大旗,真帅!(内容来源网络@原声社·非遗男团)#非遗 #国粹 #川剧 #重庆 #喷火#show #shorts
一双鸳鸯戏在雨中那水面(内容来源网络@原声社·非遗男团)#重庆 #非遗文化 #国粹 #川剧吐火 #国风 #shorts
00后扛起非遗大旗,太厉害了(内容来源网络@原声社·非遗男团)#非遗 #变脸 #吐火 #非遗文化 #重庆 7425097999002389787
“火除邪祟 百家安宁”,凤凰浴火重生在这一刻具象化了(内容来源网络)#非遗文化 #火壶 #非遗火壶 #火除邪祟百家安宁 #当水上飞人遇上火壶表演 #show #shorts
The Dapeng Bird is back for a limited time, and it's a feast for the eyes #nonheritage#kettle#shorts
A stunning non-heritage kettle show... #non-heritage #kettle #show #shorts
Intangible Acrobatics, it's amazing #intangible #heritage #culture #acrobatics #shorts
Chongqing Grand Theatre performs nationalist spitting fire #nonheritage#spitting fire #shorts
Teaching Peking Opera Danquan to Spit Fire, Will the Passing of the Fire be Successful?#shorts
Post-80s beauty paints a vivid picture and becomes famous on the internet #chinese painting #shorts
The masters of the world, the little guy draws a fantastic 3D painting #masters of the world#drawing
Send you a fireworks feast, see for yourself is really shocking! #African Heritage #Fireworks#shorts
Painting with the help of a burning stick #masters of the people #painting #art #graffiti#shorts
Kids wonder: do you have a gas can in your mouth #chuan opera#chongqing#spitfire #show #shorts
The flag of national culture has to be carried by the 00s #chuan opera #spitfire #show #shorts
A fireworks show, an absolute feast for the eyes! #culture #kettle #show #shorts
He has become popular on the internet with his mastery of Suzhou embroidery#embroidery #shorts
Which one do you like better? #national essence #non-heritage #chongqing #spitfire#shorts
Seven-year-old girl becomes an internet sensation with her whimsical and skillful crafts #masters
A 6 year old little monk with solid Shaolin Kung Fu and strong willpower #experts in the people
I'm just saying, it's the right thing to pass on anyway #chuan opera face painting#shorts
The dying old craft - traditional malt candy, this scene is hard to see now #old craft#shorts
These hairstyles are really super good looking ah, 100% been cheated #Starry Night#shorts
Millennium oil-paper umbrella, the wisdom of the ancients and heritage #oil-paper umbrella#shorts
Jilin boy with a series of ultra-difficult extreme fitness challenges became popular on the Internet
This is probably the hands kissed by angels... Ironing is so beautiful #handmade #craft#shorts
Acrobatics masters in the community, forgive me if I laugh unkindly #relaxation #shorts
It's rare to see this kind of acrobatics, the masters are in the people 👍 #juggling #juggling#shorts
高手在民间,力量惊人的90多岁老人#高手在民间 #健康在于运动 #力量举 #shorts
Big mom is like, “Don't you think you want to stop? #acrobatics #rural #shorts
Masters in the Folklore - Acrobatics Picking and Pulling Sticks, Three Sticks Can Make a Difference
Acrobatic show first mistake, second show success, they really work hard #acrobatics #shorts
It's real kung fu. It's a street show in Shenzhen. #Acrobats in the streets #shorts
Masters in the Folklore, Paper Shell Creations #art #creative crafts #hot #shorts
Dragon can be made! A folk craft that must not be forgotten! #Chinese sugar painting #shorts
Uncle is so skilled that he can make hello Kitty without looking #ChineseCandyPainting#shorts
Came across an abstract sugar painting booth to paint AK47s... #sugarpainting #wholelive#shorts
Intangible Heritage Inheritor Paints a Black Wukong, Combining Tradition and Modernity #shorts
Sichuan opera stunt spitting fire, 95-year-old boy spitting fire in the rain amazed the audience
Please don't forget our own culture around us #nonheritage #chongqing #spitfire#spitfire #shorts
ICH folk crafts tutorial is here, the grandfather so casually engaged to think they already know
This moment reads the meaning of inheritance, each drum beat in the heart of the Chinese people
The sound of an erhu that has not yet reached its full moon is milky #nonheritage#funny #shorts
The little erhu, a non-heritage item, was dragged to be sold at birth #folk crafts #funny #shorts
I will always be fascinated by the beauty of embroidery in this valley #non-heritage #culture#shorts
It's not a mask he's tearing, it's 5,000 years of culture #traditional culture #theatre #shorts
Duplicating the long-lost “wooden oxen and horses” invented by Zhuge Liang #funny #culture #shorts
The end of fashion is oriental aesthetics #non-heritage caretaker #bracelet #shorts
Jackie Chan's one trick to bring back two exiled national treasures #chinaculture #shorts
What is it like to wear 1.3 billion dollars on your head #beauty of artifacts #heritage#crown#shorts
Huang Sheng Yi's Husband Yangzi's Purple Clay Pot is Worth $100 Million#Tea Ware #Culture #shorts
Let's see what "Horse Stepping on Flying Swallow" means ~ #show #shorts
Looking at it this way, the expression on Ma Ta Fei Yan's face is not surprising... #show #shorts
老人挨家挨户表演傩戏,坚持了60多年#show #shorts
中国这么多地名,有多少敢用天来叫的?#show #shorts
传统戏剧能有多惊艳?变脸的同时直接“变身”! #show #shorts
你就学吧,包会的… ?!下一个! #show #shorts
Inherit and promote traditional Chinese culture and Chinese culture #show #shorts
Thirty-seven-year-old man, if he doesn’t drink two ounces of wine, he can’t even drink tea. #shorts
It turns out that the ancients also had a trend of imitating antiques! #show #shorts
那猴子,就是用这招去大闹天宫的吧 #show #shorts
榫卯结构,这是传统手艺 #show #shorts
拳无三下手,棍响定输赢 #shorts #show
太极慢打还是快打?一见爱上传统文化 #shorts #show
糖畫屆的神筆馬良:00後小伙子,留著時尚的爆炸頭,做著傳統的老手藝!糖畫從紙上站起來那一刻,我都驚呆了!#shorts #show #非遺
Single men who are over the age limit and have not married, kneel down as punishment! #show #shorts
Deep-rooted misunderstandings about cheongsam! Cheongsam doesn’t have so many restrictions! #shorts
我現在教你一招,不學保證你後悔 #shorts #show
Turn back the carbine and feel the charm of ancient marksmanship! #show #shorts
Make ointment, everyone has applied it when they were young, it is a practical and cheap treatment!
It took 8 months to recreate "Tengwang Pavilion" by hand #show #shorts
Many folk remedies are no longer useful! But they are the wisdom of life of the older generation
Zhuge Liang's "magic weapon" wooden ox and flowing horse can pull and walk #show #shorts
What did this evil disciple learn! Reward a big bag! #show #shorts
Always believe in the aesthetics of our ancestors and traditional Chinese classic patterns!#shorts
"Oil Paper Lantern", you can always believe in the aesthetics of your ancestors! ! #shorts #show
All the grass in the mountains are gifts,mulberry leaf sesame balls made with traditional techniques
Great Craftsman This is a mortise and tenon joint, and also a non-legacy #shorts #show
Purely handmade, kitchen knife making process #show #shorts
A pure craftsman, carving wood is like carving tofu, it's very relaxing to watch 👍👍 #shorts #show
Professionals do professional things! Barrel craftsman #shorts #show
Can’t this custom be popularized across the country?It’s simply tailor-made for greedy girls #shorts
I finally got to play with intangible cultural heritage, and I must pass it on! #shorts #show #food
Traditionally making salt compress, this is a time-honored method #shorts #show
The Ming vassal king once again demonstrated what it means to be powerless #shorts
黄鳝大家都吃过,金枪酒却很少人知道了! #shorts
川剧绝活,国粹非遗传承 #shorts
Coexist in harmony with nature, and you can live a long and peaceful life #shorts #show
The wisdom of the ancients----Lubansuo #shorts #show
A real man needs to move forward,retreat and hide when trouble arises. Chinese culture #shorts #show
You can always believe in the aesthetics of your ancestors, screw chiseled lacquerware #shorts #show
I am so proud of my culture, I got up right away #shorts #show
Old wisdom, old skills #shorts #show
Traditionally making pot belly tea, this is a long-standing method #shorts #show
"The old skill of fish bone mortar" still seems to be filled with the fragrance of ancient ink!
In a word, we welcomed a surprise encore performance by the British singing group #shorts #show
The documentary "Flying Peak" looks at the thousand-year changes in grotto art #shorts #show
Purslane juice, after the baptism of time, no one will remember it anymore #shorts #show
Producer of Black Myth Wukong: Feng Ji talks about what cultural output is #shorts #show
Learn more about traditional culture. How much do you know about these things? #show #shorts
Girls boxing is so cool, there is a healthy beauty #show #shorts
The intangible cultural heritage craftsman on the roadside makes the clay figurines come alive #show
No one cares about Chinese incense? Chinese culture cannot lose #show #shorts
How to light mosquito coils elegantly? Five thousand years of incense in China! #show #shorts
祖上都是牛人谁瞧不起谁啊 ,你家祖上有什么厉害的人吗?#shorts #show
水上非遺“火壺”表演:火除邪祟 百家安寧 以火為媒 以壺為載送你一場屬於火的浪漫#非遗 #文化 #show
军坡节 ,传统节日的美丽! #show #shorts
如临其境!高一女生用琵琶演绎白居易《琵琶行》!真赞! #show #shorts
There are eight kinds of cold dishes in the box #show #shorts
Shenzhen people have their own National Day program, and they were shocked by Futian Lion Dance
The combination of traditional culture and modernity #show #shorts
福建非遗省会福州咚咚咚,福袋马夫带头起飞开路 #show #shorts
“假如你有一位道士朋友 你最想问他什么 ” #show #shorts
黑财神,与财神之间的区别 !#show #shorts
本以为是随口许下的承诺,但他真的把师傅带出了大山,让炭花舞被更多人了解和喜爱 #show #shorts
如果给自己取个“道号” 你希望叫做什么 #show #shorts
寻师问道的涵义,传教的意义 #show #shorts
即將消失的非遺:古畫修復術。Disappearing Intangible Cultural Heritage: Ancient Painting Restoration Techniques.
越劇演出後台救場的小男孩又來了,大家近距離聽一聽,他唱的究竟如何?是不是對口型一看便知 #art #chinaculture #傳承 #show #戲曲 #文化
我沒有拍攝好,實際上小伙子現場表演得特別震撼,現在傳承這些的年輕人不多了 #art #chinaculture #show #chinesefolklore #文化 #非遺
The sedan chair pressing ceremony has been passed down for thousands of years #show #shorts