Test Driven Development, Refactoring and Pari Programming

A collection of excerpts from Test Driven Development, Refactoring and Pair Programming LiveLessons Workshop: www.informit.com/store/test-driven-development-ref… Overview: 4+ Hours of Video Instruction -- Learn the essentials of test driven development, refactoring, and pair programming in this 4-hour, fast-paced and engaging video course recorded as a live workshop. Description: Agile coach and trainer Bryan Beecham teaches the basics of these software engineering concepts with the use of building blocks, demonstrations, and hands-on practice. Learn the importance of creating failing tests, making them pass, and refactoring your code. This workshop provides an easy introduction to TDD, refactoring, and pair programming for everyone, regardless of their experience level. About the Instructor: Bryan Beecham is an international speaker, coach, trainer, and agile consultant. He’s also a co-organizer of Agile Ottawa and is currently consulting for LeanDog, a company that focuses on Software Craftsmanship.