The My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity aims to develop and mainstream a ‘bottom-up’ approach to regional climate risk, which starts with the requirements of decision-makers. By ‘risk’ we mean the combination of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure that is particular to a given regional context. By developing a new framework for assessing and explaining regional climate risk using all the available sources of climate information (observations, reanalyses, model simulations, better understanding, etc.), climate information will be made meaningful at the local scale. Whilst any application of the framework will inevitably be specific and tailored to local concerns, the framework itself will be generic, hence flexible and applicable across a number of region types (large scale, urban, typical SREX region, etc.) and intended to become much-needed support for the development of climate services. At the same time, the Activity can identify needs to be addressed by the WCRP Core Projects and other Lighthouse Activities (e.g., implications of model biases).
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