11. [21.10.2019] matusa アミガ - MEMORY: TRUE LOVE

Album: 11. [21.10.2019] matusa アミガ - MEMORY: TRUE LOVE matusa アミガ Bandcamp: matusa.bandcamp.com/ matusa アミガ SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/user-47981991 matusa アミガ YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCPOtT0I7Szes-64fwGbT15Q/ matusa アミガ Discogs: www.discogs.com/artist/7399229-Matusa Part of the "Dreamcast™️ Station" Collective. Dreamcast™️ Station Bandcamp: dreamcaststation.bandcamp.com/ Features: N/A Album or Song Description: Stream: N/A Download: matusa.bandcamp.com/album/memory-true-love My personal favorite album, loved working on this one. hope you guys enjoy it as much as i did! Tracklist: 00:00 - BY YOUR SIDE 03:44 - 天国HEAVEN 05:42 - ヴィリジアン PLAZA 07:23 - I KNOW YOU MISS ME 10:39 - 私に一つ THE ONLY ONE 14:14 - LET'S PARTY!!! 17:16 - ショッピングタイム 19:00 - ANOTHER DAY released October 21, 2019 Track #1 matusa アミガ - BY YOUR SIDE: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/by-your-side SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #2 matusa アミガ - 天国HEAVEN: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/heaven SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #3 matusa アミガ - ヴィリジアン PLAZA: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/plaza SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #4 matusa アミガ - I KNOW YOU MISS ME: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/i-know-you-miss-me SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #5 matusa アミガ - 私に一つ THE ONLY ONE: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/the-only-one SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #6 matusa アミガ - LET'S PARTY!!!: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/lets-party SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #7 matusa アミガ - ショッピングタイム: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/npysjyvmqnho SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #8 matusa アミガ - ANOTHER DAY: soundcloud.com/user-47981991/another-day SoundCloud Release Date: 21.10.2019 Track #9 matusa アミガ - MEMORY: TRUE LOVE (Full Album): youtube.com/watch?v=MUuuXjSyn7o YouTube Release Date: 23.10.2019 Artist information: はい、あなたがいなかったので、私はブラジルのアマチュアプロデューサーです。そして、私は蒸気波が大好きです。私はたくさんの蒸気波をします。 Translation: Yes, I'm a Brazilian amateur producer because you weren't there. And I love steam waves. I do a lot of steam waves. Old Bandcamp description: o hey didn't see you there, so yeah, i'm a amauter producer from brazil, hoping to gain some fans, and become better growing as an artist! and i love vaporwave i do a lot of vaporwave i mean a loooooooooooot of vaporwave. Different Names & Aliases: matusa アミガ [Amiga], m a t u s a アミガ, クールmatusa [cool], Matusa