जानिए अस्थमा से बचने के सबसे आसान उपाय - Aakash Healthcare
Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital
Viral Infections in kids - its symptoms & treatment | Dr. Meena J
Recognize the warning signs of heart disease & know how to keep your heart healthy | Dr. Abhay Kumar
Identify the signs of heart disease & know when to see a cardiologist | Dr. Amrish Kumar
Throat Cancer - Causes, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment | Dr. Arun Kumar Giri
Oral Cancer - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Dr. Parveen Jain
Tobacco Related Cancers | Dr. Arun Giri, Director, Surgical Oncology
Diagnosis and treatment for Oral Cancer | Dr. Vikas Jain
Cancer - it's symptoms, diagnosis & treatment | Dr. Parveen Jain
How to take care of pregnant women during COVID-19 | Dr. Shilpa Ghosh
Organ Donation & Kidney Transplantation | Dr. Ambar Khaira
Understanding Organ Donation & Kidney Transplant | Dr. VIkram Kalra
Donate organs, Save lives, Pledge today | Dr. Neha Bhandari
Cadaveric Organ Donation | Dr. Umesh Gupta
Pledge to donate organs and give the gift of life | Dr. Vikas Agarwal
How is coronary Angiography is performed | Dr. Ashish Agarwal
What is Coronary Angiography & Coronary Angioplasty | Dr. Ashish Agarwal
How to protect kids from the third wave of COVID-19 | Dr. Meena J
Can newborn babies get COVID 19 | Dr. Syed Mustafa Hassan
Liver problems during rainy season | Dr. Sharad Malhotra
Hepatitis & types of Hepatitis | Dr. Sharad Malhotra
Covid-19 third wave & childrens' health | Dr. Sameer Punia, Consultant, Paediatrics
When should one visit to doctor if child is suffering from COVID | Dr. Meena J
Long term effect of COVID-19 in children | Dr. Meena J, Sr. Consultant, Paediatrics & Neonatology
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) - it's causes & treatment | Dr. Vikas Agarwal
COVID-19 symptoms in kids | Dr. Meena J, Senior Consultant, Paediatrics & Neonatology
Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry, Sr. Consultant, Ophthalmology speaking about Diabetic Retinopathy
Why is it being said that the third wave of COVID may affect children more | Dr. Meena J
Kidney Stone | Types, Causes, Prevention, Diagnosis & Treatment | Dr. Vikas Agarwal
Chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease in children | Dr. Neha Bhandari
What is the recovery time after Knee replacement surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry | Akash Healthcare
Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry, Sr. Consultant - Ophthalmology, Speaking about Retinal Screening
What is the right time for Knee Replacement surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
Do's and Don'ts After Knee Replacement surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry | Aakash Healthcare
Dr. Abhilasha Jain, Consultant- Diabetes & Endocrinology, speaking about Thyroid Problems in Women
Dr. Harpreet Kaur explains how Aakash Healthcare is ensuring the safety measures for Blood Donation
What are the precautions to be taken after Knee Replacement Surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
What are the benefits of Knee Replacement Surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
A COVID recovered & a COVID vaccinated person may avoid the complications | Dr. Madhulika Sinha
After how long, one can donate plasma after COVID 19 recovery | Dr. Akshay Budhraja
What is the recovery rate of COVID 19 patients with Plasma Therapy | Dr. Akshay Budhraja
Difference between Total Knee Replacement & Partial Knee Replacement | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
How can you manage pain & stiffness after Knee Replacement Surgery | Dr. Aashish Chaudhry
Tips for diabetic patients in this COVID-19 pandemic | Dr. Abhilasha Jain
Can a patient take both Diabetes and COVID 19 medicines together | Dr. Abhilasha Jain
The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga during Pregnancy | Dr. Pallavi Verma
Gestational Diabetes & how to deal with it during pregnancy |Dr. Shilpa Ghosh
Gestational Diabetes during pregnancy |Dr. Shilpa Ghosh, Catch us on 25-Apr, Sunday at 11 am
Ummeed-Join Online Cancer Support Group with Dr. Arun Giri & Dr.Chandragouda on every 3rd Sat at 2pm
Myth and facts of LASIK | Dr. Prashant Chaudhry, Aakash Healthcare
Neck swelling or Thyroid Nodule & why shouldn't one ignore these symptoms | by Dr. Arun Kumar Giri
Neck swelling or Thyroid Nodule -What should one do? | by Dr Arun Kumar Giri| Catch us on 11-Apr
Thyroid Cancer, its symptoms & treatment | by Dr. Abhishek Raj
Insights of Thyroid Swelling | by Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar, Director & HOD, Medical Oncology
Know about Thyroid disease & neck lumps | by Dr. Vikas Jain
Be a Fat Fighter-join our Online Obesity Support Group with Dr. Rajat Goel
Dr. Arun Kumar Giri explains HIPEC surgery - an advanced surgical procedure for treating cancer
Patient story | Kidney Stones in both the Kidneys; treated by Dr. Vikas Agarwal
A Story of a Kidney Stone sufferer who had stones in both the Kidneys; treated by Dr. Vikas Agarwal
Spike in COVID-19 cases- precautions key to beat new Covid strain | Dr. Parinita Kaur
Obstructive Sleep Apnea & why shouldn't one ignore the symptoms of snoring or excessive sleepiness
Don't ignore snoring or excessive sleepiness- it can be sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Tips to keep your Kidneys healthy | Dr. Ambar Khaira
Dr. Aashish Chaudhry speaking on the benefits of Robotic-Arm Assisted Knee Replacement.
Work From Home Syndrome, by Dr. Rakesh Pandit, Senior Consultant & HOD, Internal Medicine
Work From Home Syndrome, by Dr. Rakesh Pandit. Stay tuned with us on 21-Mar, Sunday at 11 am
Kidney diseases in kids- importance of early diagnosis & treatment; explained by Dr. Neha Bhandari
Dr. Vikas Jain, Associate Consultant, Surgical Oncology, speaking about Cervical Cancer
Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry, Sr. Consultant - Ophthalmology at Aakash, speaking about Glaucoma.
Lifesaving Kidney Transplant -A story of hope, by Dr. Vikas Agarwal
Lifesaving Kidney Transplant -A story of hope, by Dr. Vikas Agarwal. Catch us on 14-Mar 2021 at 11am
World Kidney Day- How to live well with Kidney diseases, explained by Dr. Vikas Agarwal
Digital Eye Strain: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention tips, explained by Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry
How to stop Bedwetting in Children & Teens; by Dr. Neha Bhandari
How to stop Bedwetting in Children & Teens; by Dr. Neha Bhandari. Catch us on 7-Mar at 11 am
When to get the baby’s hearing test done, explained by Dr. Syed Mustafa Hassan
When to use soap on baby; explained by Dr. Syed Mustafa Hassan
What to do when the baby’s skin is dry; explained by Dr. Syed Hassan Mustafa
What to do when Colic strikes to the baby; explained by Dr. Syed Mustafa Hasan
Testicular Cancer: Survivor's story following Treatment at Aakash Healthcare
Don't lose hope & there's always a way! Testicular Cancer: a Survivor's story at critical stage
The Right Care, at the Right Time, in the Right Place, can save a life; by Dr. Parinita Kaur
The Right Care, at the Right Time, in the Right Place, can save a life. Catch us on 21-Feb at 11 am
Mr. Naraian Dutt explains how did Aakash Health Times save his life from Stroke
What is Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant & it's procedure; explained by Dr. Abhishek Raj
How did Aakash Health Times save a person's life from Stroke?; explained by Dr. Madhukar Bhardwaj
How did Aakash Health Times save a life from Stroke? Catch us on 14-Feb 2021, Sunday at 11 am
Be a Fat Fighter-join our Online Obesity Support Group with Dr. Rajat Goel on 12-Feb, Friday at 10am
Bed Wetting in kids & it's treatment, explained by Dr. Neha Bhandari
Breastfeeding advice for not getting enough milk, by Dr. Pallavi Verma, Lactation Consultant
Post delivery diet plan, explained by Mrs. Anuja Gaur
Diet for sleep apnea; explained by Mrs. Anuja Gaur
Why the patient's history is so important for right treatment; explained by Dr. Parinita Kaur
Why the patient's history is so important? Stay tuned with us on 7 Feb 2021, Sunday at 11 am
What are the different types of varicose veins; explained by Dr. Amrish Kumar
What are the restrictions post Bariatric surgery or Weight loss surgery by; Dr. Rajat Goel
What is the success of the Bariatric surgery or Weight loss surgery; explained by Dr. Rajat Goel
What is severe obesity; explained by Dr. Rajat Goel
What are treatment options for Varicose Veins; explained by Dr. Amrish Kumar
Insights of Breast Lumps explained by Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar
What is Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant & its procedure ; explained by Dr. Abhishek Raj
What is Bone Marrow Transplant, explained by Dr. Abhishek Raj
Dr. Amrish Kumar is speaking about What are the signs and symptoms of Varicose Veins
Dr. Amrish Kumar is speaking about what are the causes of Varicose veins
Dr. Amrish Kumar is explaining about what are Varicose Veins & how do they develop
Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry - Ophthalmology, speaking about digital eye strain in children
Dr. Rajat Goel is explaining about How much weight one can expect to lose after Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Sharad Malhotra is talking about "Is Jaundice treatable?"
Is Jaundice treatable? To know more, stay tuned with us on 24 Jan, 2021, Sunday at 11 am
Dr. Rajat Goel is speaking about What type of diet should one take after the surgery
Dr. Rajat Goel is speaking about Who is eligible for Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Rajat Goel is explaining about the risk factors with weight loss surgery
Dr. Bhumika Madan, Sr. Consultant - Dentistry, explains about Dental Implants & their Benefits
Dr. Rajat Goel is taking about What medical conditions disqualify you for the Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Rajat Goel is speaking about What is Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Rajat Goel is speaking about Why should people consider Bariatric Surgery
Dr. Akshay Budhraja is speaking about Bird Flu - its symptoms, risk factors and precautions
Dr. Inder Kumar Kasturia is speaking about Why regular Preventive Health Check-up is important?
Why Preventive Health Check-up is important? Stay tuned with us on 17 Jan, 2021, Sunday at 11 am
Weight loss can be challenging. To know more, Stay tuned with us on 10 Jan, 2021, Sunday at 11 am
Dr Rajat Goel is speaking about Weight Loss - a challenging journey
Dr. Rakesh Pandit is talking about Obesity, its risk factors and tips to control obesity
Dr. Vikas Agarwal, Director & HOD - Urology at Aakash, speaking awareness about Organ Donation.
Dr Bharat Bahre, Senior Consultant, Orthopedics, speaking about Recurrent Shoulder Dislocation
Are you worried about Obesity? To know more, stay tuned with us on 3 Jan, 2021, Sunday at 11 am
Dr. Vidya - Senior Consultant, Ophthalmology & Refractive Surgery at Aakash speaks about Squint
Dr. Chandragouda, Director & HOD Medical Oncology, stating the facts about COVID19 & Cancer Patients
Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar, Director & HOD - Medical Oncology, talking about Head & Neck Cancer
Dr. Chandragouda, Director - Oncology, speaking on cancer treatment continuation during COVID19
Know about SMILE Eye Surgery | Dr. Prashaant Chaudhry
Dr. Harpreet Kaur, speaking about the need blood donation during the COVID19 pandemic
Dr. Prashaant Chaudhry, HOD - Ophthalmology talking about cataract surgery during summer months
Dr. Inder Kasturia, Consultant - Family Medicine, demonstrating about COVID-19, 'Home Care' Kit
How to take care of your eyes during monsoon season | Dr. Prashaant Chaudhry
Dr. Vikas Agarwal - Uro-oncology & KTP, speaking about kidney transplantation during COVID-19 times
Dr. Gaurav Seth, Consultant - Rheumatology, speaking about rheumatoid arthritis
Dr. Akshay Budhraja, Consultant, Pulmonology on what to expect after recovering from COVID-19
Dr. Ashish Agarwal, Sr. Consultant & HOD, Cardiology, speaking about hypertension and heart problems
Dr. Pallavi Verma, Lactation Consultant, speaking about role of good positioning while breastfeeding
Tips to protect your eyes from Smog | Dr Prashaant Chaudhry
Listen to this informative video about Stress Urinary Incontinence and its surgery
Dr. Syed Hasan, HOD - Paediatrics & Neonatology, discussing the myths & facts about breastfeeding
Dr. Madhukar Bhardwaj, Senior Consultant - Department of Neurology at Aakash speaking about Headache
Catch Dr. Vidya Nair Chaudhry speaking about digital eye strain and it's prevention in children live
Dr. Rupesh Kaushik, Sr. Consultant, Cardiology, speaking about heart failure
Dr. Mridul Malhotra - Consultant, Medical Oncology, speaking about B.E.A.T Tumor Clinic
Dr. Gaurav Seth, Consultant, Rheumatology, speaking about diet & lifestyle for people with Arthritis
Dr. Shilpa Ghosh, Director - Obs & Gynae speaking on Breast Cancer.
Dr. Vikas Agarwal, Director & HOD - Urology, talking on Uroflowmetry #AakashHealthcare #StayHealthy
Dr. Vikas Agarwal, Director & Head, Urology, Uro-Oncology & KTP is talking about Stress incontinence
Stroke- its Symptoms, Warning Signs & Treatments | Dr. Madhukar Bhardwaj, Senior Consultant