I know that all these videos are only 1-10 minutes long per clip but thats why i made this playlist.
Some of these videos have slow FPS (Frames Per Second) sometimes.
This is my own official walkthrough series of kikingdom hearts.
I simply recorded it with Fraps:
and i used the PCSX2 emulator:javascript:void(window.open('/dlpop.php?id=57&emu=nm',%20'filedownload',%20'height=560,width=700,status=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no'));
I have an real Playstation 2 in real life but it is made in Europe and can't play kingdom hearts 1/2 from china.
if you wonder where i got the emulator from it is this site: coolrom.com
and the download mirror link to the rom:javascript:void(window.open('/dlpop.php?id=41796',%20'filedownload',%20'height=560,width=700,status=no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,resizable=no'));
if you want to speed up your laptop/computer (windows 95,98,vista,home,xp,7,8,8.1)
Here's some good software for your computer:
Avast antivirus:
Glarysoft stuff:
If you like far cry 3 blood dragon here's something for you!: