Free to Choose Network's media production arm, Free to Choose Media (FTCM), has been creating entertaining media in support of our mission "To use accessible and entertaining media to build popular support for personal, economic and political freedom thus advancing human well-being" for over 30 years. This vision is showcased here with our collection of our over 30 full length programs covering a wide variety of topics. From Free or Equal to The Power of the Poor to Testing Milton Friedman and more, FTCM has a rich tradition of national broadcast production. The network has sought to stimulate thought on topics including law enforcement, the US Constitution, healthcare, taxes, human rights and more.
Our productions investigate the principles of personal, economic, and political freedom. Should we ever infringe gun rights? What’s the role of currency and monetary policy? How credible is global warming as an existential threat? To what extent do factors such as the Federal Reserve, savings, stock markets, and national debt contribute to prosperity?
But rather than dictating lessons, FTCM tells stories with inquisition and entertainment. It is in the exploration of real-life examples that audiences are challenged to stop and think about the true impact of freedom, voluntary association, and the rule of law ... and especially how rare and precious these foundations are.
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