Better Together 2024 was a Vineyard USA Conference that seeks to thoughtfully discuss race, gender, reconciliation, and the multiethnic church, while moving us intentionally toward being the Beloved Community.
Hosted by Vineyard USA’s four Associations (Women’s Association, Hispanic Association, Black Pastors and Leaders Association, and the Asian American Pacific Islander Association), Better Together is an intentional place of encouragement and affirmation for women and people of color in the Vineyard. It is also a welcoming, safe space for anyone interested in having practical discussions to help the Vineyard press further into fulfilling the mission of Christ and actualizing the unity of Christ’s Church.
This conference was for everyone – even those not a part of one of the Associations, to experience their teaching, worship, and ministry as we grow together into Beloved Community. It is only as we learn to better relate as sisters and brothers in Christ and dependent on the Holy Spirit, that we can be shaped into the Beloved Community.
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