Planned/Legacy Giving

Planned/Legacy Giving is the gifting of your assets to the Exploratorium via your estate plan. It can be as simple as giving a percentage of your IRA/brokerage account, and as complex as establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust. Please enjoy these videos taken from our January 25, 2024 Planned Giving panel discussion event, which was hosted by David Sweet, Planned/Legacy Giving Officer at the Exploratorium, in conjunction with Bernstein Private Wealth Management. This panel discussion was one of two semi-annual events held for members of the Oppenheimer Circle, known as ‘Oppies’, who are donors who have promised planned gifts to the Exploratorium. We would love for you to become an Oppie as well! If you have any questions about planned/legacy giving or the Oppenheimer Circle as a result of watching these videos, please feel free to contact David Sweet at, or call him at 415-528-4483. You can also read more about planned/legacy giving by visiting our website at