[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Processing & providing fresh red snow crabs from... , JUSIN FOODS (주신수산식품)
Arirang TV
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing adhesive tapes for different industries, DAEKYUNG CHEMICAL (대경케미칼)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing convenient rice products for... , BAEKJE CORPORATION (백제)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing high-quality automotive parts with... , ELITE INDUSTRY (엘리트산업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing convenient sauces for different dishes, SONGYEON SY (송연에스와이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] One of the few makers of premium ship engine... , SAMJUNG E&W (삼정이앤더블유)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making rice cake with premium ingredients, DABOKSOL FOOD (다복솔식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing accurate & precise vacuum equipment parts, GST (지에스티산업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium Jeotgal, or salted seafood in clean... , TheJeotGal (더젓갈)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing automotive parts for a comfortable ride, HD SYSTEM (에이치디시스템)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing semiconductor parts & equipment with... , DAEJIN SEMITECH (대진세미텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making premium craft beer based on the accumulated skills, SEVENBRÄU (세븐브로이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Specializing in painting automotive components, CALA (카라)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing advanced plastic injection molding... , SUN PLATECH (선프라텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing essential materials for construction sites, SAMBU STEEL (삼부철강)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing diversified industrial valves, KJS INTERVALVE (케이제이에스 인터밸브)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making corrugated cardboard by accumulating skills... , Daeyang Panji (대양판지)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing customized cutting tools for different... , DH DAEHYUP (디에이치 대협)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing tools & materials for different construction sites, Kwang sung GM
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium kimchi with fresh..., Pyeongchang Kkotsooni (평창꽃순이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing premium car sunroofs based on..., WONPOONG (원풍산업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Delivering the improved nutrients with its own freeze-drying method, TRUNAS
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing processed food with Ganghwa wormwood, GangHwa Mani (강화마니)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Garnering attention in the market by developing... , G.I.M.Tech (지아이엠텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing high-quality processed mushrooms, BEOSEOTMARU (버섯마루)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Automating construction machines with innovative skills, HR E&I (에이치알이앤아이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making functional silk products for daily life, KIMSTECH (킴스테크)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium sausages with high-quality ingredients, ChinHan F&B(친한F&B)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing traditional fermented pastes, Sunchang Sung Ga Jung Food (순창성가정식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Reducing air pollutants with cutting-edge... , SangMyeongEnTech (상명이엔텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Popularizing the traditional taste of Korea, WENNTTEOK (웬떡)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making frozen kimbap to captivate the global consumers, Hanwoomul (한우물)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing fire trucks with cutting-edge..., Hanseo Precision Industry (한서정공)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Processing abalones from the clean sea area of Wando, HAEMIWEON (해미원)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing diversified electric vehicle chargers, EVAR (에바)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Leading the plating industry by running... , SHINPOONG METAL (신풍금속)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing premium Korean beef, DONGSIM FOOD (동심푸드)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing construction materials for different life styles, Woodin (우딘)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing premium control cables for automobiles, HANYOUNG INDUSTRY (한영공업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing traditional Giwa based on the craftsmanship,Sancheongtogiwa(산청토기와)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Popularizing Korean Jeotgal to the world, GOMSO SALTED SEAFOOD (곰소천년의젓갈)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing forged products for... , TAEGEON FORGE CORPORATION (태건단조)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing organic chicken meat products, ORGE (올계)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing functional hair dryers with... , HANIL ELECTRONICS (한일전자)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] A leading provider of premium face masks, IMINE (이미인)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing cutting-edge technologies for the production of... , HUTEM (휴템)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing reliable food from nature, TAEGYEONG F&B (태경F&B)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing eco-friendly soil for healthy farm products, Korea Peat (코리아피트)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Captivating the tastes of people with premium... , Gijang Kkeut Jip (기장끝집)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing premium fabric materials, DAECHUN TEXTILE (대천텍스타일)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making Korean traditional laver Bugak with premium... , BUKAKMAEUL (부각마을)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing high-quality heat exchangers, DAIHAN CLIMATE CONTROL (대한공조)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium fish cake products, SEOULFOOD (서울식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making a variety of dental care items, KB DENTAL (케이비덴탈)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium engine parts for ships, KUKDONG Industrial Engineering
Developing an unmanned recycling vending machine, G-Tech International (지테크인터내셔날)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Leading the home meal replacement market, UMJI FOOD (엄지식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing armored plates with advanced technologies, WELCRON (웰크론)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing wiring harnesses for electric & eco-friendly vehicles, HEV(에이치이브이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Creating premium printed materials with innovative technologies, PRINPIA
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing eco-friendly straws, DongilPlatech (동일프라텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making convenient & sensuous furniture with wood, NEWFUS (뉴퍼스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing healthy food from nature, EBICHE (이비채)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing magnetic parts for electric cars, NS WORLD (앤에스월드)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing sauces, powder and processed lotus products, yegreen (예그린식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium industrial tools, DAESUNG (대성)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making processed products with fresh eggs from the directly... , NEUL PUREUN
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making rice cake with healthy ingredients from nature, Baeknyeonhwapyeon
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing premium designs & printed materials, HARA (출력하라)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing processed food with Gyeongsan Jujube, DAEHEUNG
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing rubber parts for different industries, HWASEUNG CHEM TECH (화승캠텍)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making premium bedding products for the past 30 years, DANJANG (단장)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing safe & convenient agricultural machines, TAEKWANG INDUSTRY (태광공업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making ABS doors with premium materials & advanced... , CHEZNOUS (쉐누)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium kimchi with domestically... , MOOJIGAE KOREA FOODS (무지개식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Paving a new path for the digital appliances parts, Novas EZ (노바스이지)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making a variety of craft beer products with... , SEVENBRÄU (세븐브로이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing household appliances with... , DH GLOBAL (디에이치글로벌)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing extracted juice with fresh apples, JOEUON (조은)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing leached tea with the local agricultural products, DAEBON (대본)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing core parts for electric cars, MYEONGCHEON (명천)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Cultivating persimmon trees & producing Gotgam... , GAMKOREA (감코리아)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing premium kimchi, Cheongwon Organic (청원오가닉)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing diversified eco-friendly electric.. , HYUNGJAE PARTNER (형제파트너)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing tofu snacks with automation facilities, COOKIA (쿠키아)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing technologies that can improve sight & beauty, GEO Medical (지오메디칼)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Receiving spotlight by developing fusion rice cake... , SAIMDANG FOOD(사임당푸드)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing premium processed food with Omija from Munkyeong, MKM (엠케이엠)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Manufacturing heating facilities for highly... , WOOSUNG SE (우성에스이)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Promoting the unique charms of the local district... , CHUNJU2401 (춘주2401)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing fasteners & forged automobile parts, KPF (케이피에프)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing paper packaging boxes for 30 years, DAE SEI MULSAN (대세물산)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing diversified silicon... , KEUMGANG SILICONE TECHNOLOGY (금강실리테크)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing disposable medical supplies based on the advanced... , Ecell (이셀)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing non-destructive inspection devices with MRI... , RAYNAR (레이나)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing high-quality laver products, YOUNG SHIN FOOD (영신식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Improving productivity by developing production... , ONETOUCH (원터치)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing advanced painting skills for automotive parts, Cala (카라)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing Gomtang with a deep & savory taste, GOSAM NONGHYUP (고삼농협)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Specializing in producing premium... , DAEHAN PRECISION INDUSTRY (대한정밀공업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing Korea’s first ultra-compact... , CEVO MOBILITY (쎄보모빌리티)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing rare natural substances, MOIFOOD (모이식품)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Cultivating & processing premium marine products, HASUNGBIO (하성바이오)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing kimchi with Gangwon-do..., Taebaek Highland Kimchi (태백고랭지김치)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Suggesting a new paradigm with for the seal unit market, SEALINK (씰링크)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Dominating the snack market with premium snacks, HAITAI CALBEE (해태가루비)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing paper packaging boxes for... , KWANGSUNG EXPORT PACKING (광성수출포장)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Building a pleasant & convenient bathroom culture, THE INUS (더이누스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing healthy & reliable processed food, HANWOOL (한울)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing tractor cabins based on the accumulated experience, WIZES (위제스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making processed food with sea breeze... , GEOMUNDO HAEPOONGSSUK (거문도해풍쑥)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Successfully localized automation parts, KCC (케이시시정공)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing orthopedic implants to improve human health, OSTEONIC (오스테오닉)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing convenient Makgeolli kits, Hyeorum (해오름)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing engine parts for ships based on advanced skills, DST (디에스티)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing nutritious & convenient freeze_dried food, TRUNAS (트루나스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Localizing plastic bottle molds to lead the... , DONG-A PRECISION (동아정밀공업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making core automotive parts based on advanced skills, KUMOH EMS (금오이엠에스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing diversified stationery supplies, MUNGYO (문교)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing test socket contact pins for... , NEXTEN ELECTRONICS (넥슨전자)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Localized semiconductor wafer transport devices & robots, CYMECHS (싸이맥스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Gaining ground in the rapidly growing functional food market, NJ COMPANY
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing eco-friendly agricultural products to seek... , wellfarmnet (웰팜넷)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Providing protection equipment for industrial workers, KUKJE SAFETY (국제안전물산)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making fresh food with the local specialties of Hadong,Jeongseongdeuri(정성드리)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing healthy & convenient red clay bed, MUD MAT (흙)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Processing organic marine products from Wando, DAEHAN MULSAN (대한물산)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing battery packs for diversified purposes, CTNS (씨티엔에스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making Cheonggukjang, or fast-fermented soybean paste for 20 years,HANGAHGOL
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing injection-molded wiring appliances, SungShin (성신정공)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing automatic cooking tools, COOKMATE (쿡메이트)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making high-quality red pepper powder products, DAEPUNGNYEON (대풍년영농조합법인)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Offering total solutions for the automation of factories, ZENIX (제닉스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing electric insulation & fire prevention materials, EYECAP KOREA
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making world-class optical lenses, BOOWON OPTICAL (부원광학)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Baekje Corporation (백제)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing ultra-high speed & high-load bearings, TURBOLINK (터보링크)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing Jeotgal in clean highlands in Jinan, TheJeotGal (더젓갈)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Improving health & beauty by developing total solutions, MEGACOS (메가코스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Making traditional rice cake with the local agricultural products, Charm...
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Producing high-quality colored contact lenses, MEDIOS (메디오스)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Popularizing premium kimchi to the world, NARICHAN (나리찬)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] Developing solutions that can prevent the leaking of paper documents,Anysell
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] An emerging business in the soap industry, CLIO D&S (크리오D&S)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] A provider of safe fire doors, DONG SUNG INDUSTRY (동성산업)
[SMARTBIZ ACCELERATORS] A maker of functional cosmetic items, BIOBEAUTECH (바이오뷰텍)
[SmartBiz Accelerators] GEO Medical, has produced colored contact lenses with patented technologies
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Nature Farm, produces dried and frozen fruits and vegetables
[SmartBiz Accelerators] CUCHEN, produces premium kitchen supplies with sensuous designs
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SAMYANG KOREA, developing meat processing and cutting facilities
[SmartBiz Accelerators] DUWON Agricultural Cooperative, producing processed Yuja products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] BYINDUSTRIES, specializing in metal laser processing
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Social welfare foundation Peacevillage is a social enterprise which...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] e-mom is a maker of premium Omegi rice cake products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] JEJUMAMI produces various kinds of processed products that are made with...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KUMHO FISHING TACKLE, one of the top 5 global fish hook makers
[SmartBiz Accelerators] MISUNG Fishery Association Corp., has delivered the fresh taste of...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] JW FOOD, provides fresh and healthy marine products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] DONG-A PLATING, specializes in surface treatment and it has built a safe...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] VISION Agricultural Corporation cultivates ginseng sprouts and produces...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] B.L.I, is a company that produces a variety of household appliances based...
[SmartBiz Accelerators] PlanTFarm, aiming to popularize large-scale vertical farming
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KMF, specializing in developing and producing fermentation materials.
[SmartBiz Accelerators] bereum, producing postbiotics products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] DAE SEONG VD INDUSTRY, producing various parts for transportation vehicles
[SmartBiz Accelerators] OLLEBADANG, processing and producing the marine products from Jeju
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KONAD, leading the K-Beauty industry by developing creative cosmetic items
[SmartBiz Accelerators] EBICHE, producing functional beverages 100% domestically grown ingredients
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SESHIN INDUSTRY, producing kitchen supplies
[SmartBiz Accelerators] UMJI FOOD, producing handmade dumplings, fried rice and molded rice
[SmartBiz Accelerators] HANIL ELECTRONICS, producing hair dryers based on its own technologies
[SmartBiz Accelerators] ACE LIFE, a maker of premium bidets
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Farm8, cultivating vegetables based on highly efficient smart farming
[SmartBiz Accelerators] HANA TECHTOOL, a company that produces glue guns
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KYOUNGDONG HANGWA, producing Hangwa, or a Korean traditional snack
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Ecobio Medical Institute, producing scalp care and hair loss products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Purunsol Food, making meal replacements and processed food
[SmartBiz Accelerators] VAINER, producing a variety of comfortable shoes
[SmartBiz Accelerators] WOORIWON, cultivating and producing organic rice
[SmartBiz Accelerators] ECOMOMMEAL, producing healthy food for babies
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KGM, producing mesh fabrics for household appliances
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SOBAEKSANARE, making ceaseless effort to popularize the traditional Bugak
[SmartBiz Accelerators] GFS, developing smart fire-warning systems
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Yun Seun Ae Cactus, making healthy food with domestically raised ingredients
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SHINWOO P&C, a producer of filters, non-woven fabrics and adult diapers
[SmartBiz Accelerators] ZENOLINE, producing furniture for the lifestyles of consumers
[SmartBiz Accelerators] MOIFOOD, producing processed healthy products with the agricultural products
[SmartBiz Accelerators] DONG-A ELECTRIC, a maker of circuit breakers
[SmartBiz Accelerators] KCC, developing and producing hydraulic and pneumatic parts
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Hoegok_Brewery_Agriculture producing different types of traditional liquors
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Hyungjae Partner, mainly producing motor-based power transport vehicles
[SmartBiz Accelerators] GenBody, producing accurate and rapid diagnostic kits
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SEJUNFOOD, producing traditional beverages with reliable tastes
[SmartBiz Accelerators] JEONGYANG SG, producing Expanded Polystyrene with improved performances
[SmartBiz Accelerators] NCI, a provider of injection molded automotive parts
[SmartBiz Accelerators] McNulty Bio, producing functional food which can improve health
[SmartBiz Accelerators] SAMDAI ELECTRIC, producing electrical products for various industries
[SmartBiz Accelerators] Sugentech, developing diversified in vitro diagnostic kits
[SmartBiz Accelerators] DAEWANG, producing dried bonito flakes with traditional production skills