Flying with the Owl - New Album Tour 2018
26.9. Basel (CH) Sommercasino
27.09. Bern (CH) Rössli
28.09. München (DE)
Backstage Halle - Tickets:
29.09. Zürich (CH) Moods - Tickets:
30.09. Mels (CH) Altes Kino - Tickets:
02.10. Frankfurt (DE) Das Bett - Tickets:
03.10. Leipzig (DE) Peterskirche - Tickets:
04.10. Bochum (DE) Rockpalast - Tickets:
05.10. Berlin (DE) Musik & Frieden - Tickets:
06.10. Hamburg (DE) Knust - Tickets:
Revered or feared, admired or persecuted, a symbol of good and evil and, at the same time, a symbol of wisdom, protector and sorceress of the night. When the cult band THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA of mastermind, composer and singer Michael Sele name their new album and tour after this fascinating nocturnal bird, one would not be wrong in assuming that flying with the owl through the concert season of 2018 will once more guarantee darkly intense concert nights and shivers down your spine!
After the much celebrated and sold-out concerts of the Silent Land tour in November 2017, Michael Sele together with his illustrious guest musicians from Iceland, France and Argentina will be joining the TBOG ensemble in the autumn of 2018 on an exclusive concert tour through Germany and Switzerland. Stowed in their luggage will be the new studio album: FLYING WITH THE OWL.
Their live qualities have proven the exceptional talent of THE BEAUTY OF GEMINA over and over again through their extraordinary and mind-blowing concerts. The huge fan community, which extends from all over Europe to South America, is the rightly deserved manifestation of the band’s high quality and continuous development of many years.
In addition to this loyal following, the increasing number of music enthusiasts and music lovers of various genres can also look forward to the upcoming concerts. These concerts are highly recommended to anybody who enjoys real live music, played by musicians who have mastered their instruments with virtuosity and style, display an inestimable pleasure for playing and when performing live, always leave scope for something new, unexpected and improvised.