Sebastian Bach Live in Battle Creek Michigan November 17 2016

Sebastian Bach Live in Battle Creek Michigan November 17 2016 at Planet Live Music Factory %100 LIVE in Battle Creek MI November 2016. Shot by my lovely wife Suzanne on a 4K SonyVideo camera with 5.1 Dolby sound. Far better than a Cellphone Capture.I have no problem with live footage being posted but I do have a problem with listening to shitty sound from phone. So enjoy this and thanks to Brent Woods for the audio postproduction. No live tapes or overdubs are used in any of these clips but at least the sound is not all distorted and shit. Crank it up & enjoy!!!!! Brent Woods: Guitar Rob DeLuca: Bass Bobby Jarzombek: Drums Sound: Dave Hart Monitors: Bryan Laffin Guitar Tech: Richard Diaz De Leon Drum Tech: Randy Figirova Camera: Suzanne Le Bach