Philip B. Crosby's 4 absolutes of #quality - The measurement of quality is Price of Nonconformance
iTRACK Solutions
Philip B. Crosby's 4 absolutes of #quality - The #performance standard must be #ZeroDefects
Philip B. Crosby's 4 absolutes of #quality - The system for causing #quality is #prevention
Philip B. Crosby's 4 absolutes of #quality - #quality is defined as conformance to requirements.
Philip B. Crosby's 4 absolutes of #quality - Introduction
James P. Womack's explanation of #lean principles : 05 #pursue #perfection
James P. Womack's explanation of #lean principles : 04 Establish #pull system
James P. Womack's explanation of #lean principles : 03 create #flow
James P. Womack's explanation of #lean principles : 02 Map #value stream ( #valuestreammapping )
James P. Womack's explanation of #lean principles : 01 Define #value
#masaaki Imai's Definition of what is the role of a #supervisor
#masaaki Imai's explanation of what is #kaizen mindset
#masaaki Imai's Definition of What will happen if #standards are not #maintaine and #improved
#masaaki Imai's Definition of Why #standardization is important and what is #sdca
#masaaki Imai's Definition of Why #kaizen is #everywhere #improvement
#masaaki Imai's Definition of Why #kaizen is #everyone or #everybody 's #improvement
#masaaki Imai's Definition of Why #kaizen is #everyday #improvement
#masaaki Imai's Definition of what is #kaizen (#everyday , #everywhere and #everyone #improvement )
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's views on who is a #customer
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's views on sales target
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14th point-The transformation is everybody's job
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 13th point-education and self-improvement
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 12th point- pride in workmanship.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 11th point-Eliminate numerical Quotas
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 10th point-Eliminate slogans exhortations
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 9th point- Break down barriers between departments.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 8th point- Drive out fear
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 7th point- Institute leadership.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 6th point- Institute training on the job.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 5th point- Improve constantly forever
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 4th point - End the practice of awarding business on the basis of price
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 3rd point- Cease dependence on inspection
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 2nd point - Adopt the new philosophy
Joseph M. Juran on who is a #customer
Joseph M. Juran on what is #product and #services
Joseph M. Juran on what is #quality ?
Dr. W. Edwards Deming's 14 key principles for management : 1st point - Create constancy of purpose
Joseph M. Juran's Quality Trilogy : what is Quality Improvement
Joseph M. Juran's Quality Trilogy : what is Quality Control
Joseph M. Juran's Quality Trilogy : what is Quality Planning