- open the description for more information (for viewers and for ctzn23) -
Ctzn23 albums:
1. Time Tales (2 Songs)
2. Everyday (4 Songs)
3. On the Highway (7 songs)
4. Right Under the Stars (9 songs)
5. I Want to Know (4 songs)
6. Facing the Sun (6 songs)
Here you can stream all songs from ctzn23:
This music platform is available for mac, windows, apple and android phones.
Since all albums from ctzn23 are no longer available on the most popular platforms, I wanted to make people happy who are looking for this music by uploading it here.
@Ctzn23 If you don't want me to make your music available to your fan base, please contact me. I will remove the videos if you want.
Have a nice day and enjoy the music! ^^