go.vermontpbs.org/BeyondBernie #BeyondBernie
Beyond Bernie: In Search of Vermont’s Political Identity” is a new five-part series from Vermont PBS that explores what makes Vermont a trailblazing progressive force that impacts the entire country.
Explore the character of the ‘Brave Little State’ of Vermont and the shared values that matter most to Vermonters, regardless of party affiliation. Although it may be one of the smallest states in the Union in both size and population, it boasts monumental firsts — from abolishing slavery in the 18th century to legalizing civil unions at the beginning of this century. Today, Vermont continues to punch above its weight boasting two presidential candidates in the last 12 years and two high profile senators currently serving in the U.S Senate. Learn what makes Vermont a trailblazing progressive force, not only within its own borders, but one that impacts the entire country.
Beyond Bernie is sponsored in part by...
Three Hats Bookkeeping (threevt.com/)