We were given the unique opportunity to direct a defunct FFVIII OCRemix album project by DJPretzel and Liontamer themselves! It was attempted once, but for reasons, it fell through. Despite this, we were given the chance to revive this album - it being the last Final Fantasy of the Playstation era not to have an OCReMix album. Darkflamewolf sketched out a compelling vision and tracklist suggestion for each disc while Jorito went recruiting - with an end goal of about a year to complete the entire project. We managed to interest a lot of people from the VGM community, with a good mix of OCReMix veterans, people from other communities and newcomers.
Coming back to the series after being gone from it for so long was like coming home and Final Fantasy VIII seemed to be this perfect welcoming party of a game for everyone. People had a fondness and love for its characters, its world and its music. The intent with this album was to embrace the remix aspect of OCReMix fully and to interpret the original melodies in ways you might not have heard before. Our goal is to provide something new and transformative with these songs. Kudos to all the talented people who helped make this album a reality! It was a joy working on this and seeing it come together.
Now the album has been tailored to be a thematic experience from disc 1 all the way through disc 4 (and beyond to the surprise disc 5), starting off slow just like Final Fantasy VIII does, before ramping up to action set pieces, then calming down to some wild and diverse gameplay experiences and finally ending strong. However, you can listen to the album in any order for any mood you're feeling. Whatever works for you. Ultimately, we hope you enjoy this album and its fresh new take on the music of Final Fantasy VIII and may it always rekindle your fond memories of your time playing it. From the SeeDs of Pandora team to you: Happy listening!
- Darkflamewolf and Jorrith "Jorito" Schaap
SeeDs of Pandora is the 78th OverClocked Remix album, released on 08 May, 2023. It was spearheaded by director DarkFlameWolf (with co-directing by Jorito), establishing the project on 22 August, 2021. The remix album consists of 80 tracks spread across 5 CDs.
You can download the entire album free here: