The Unsellable Handgun: 2022
The Heaviest Handgun
The Ruger AR 556 has ONE Weakness
Ceramic vs. Steel Plates
How a Compensator Compensates
The WORST Bedside Gun
Matt's Dream Gun
Best Defense Gun for a Home Invader Wearing Plates
The Most ANNOYING Gun in the Shop
What Canik and Sig are The Best At! (According to Jake and Devin)
Jarod HATES These Sights!
The Most Embarrassing Gun in the Shop
Fastest Way to Load an AR Mag (by Hand)
I Think You Mean Whisper Pickle!
Jake's Recommendations for your FDE AR-15
Don't Concealed Carry a Suppressor
Best Handgun Against a Bear
Upgrade Your Charging Handle
Conceal Carrying on a Budget
Best Selling Gun of 2023
The Best AK
Jarod is a Simp for this Gun!
Glock 45 & Glock 19X: What's the Difference?
Indicators of Firearm Price Trends
Why not Conceal Carry a .22?
The Worst Selling Gun of 2022
A Very Difficult Slide to Rack
Choose Your Zombie Headshot Gun
Accessory Priorities for a Long Range Rifle
EDC: What's in Jarod's Pockets?
Handguns for Big Hands
What Does Kel-Tec do Best?
Are Imported Firearms Trash?
The Ultimate Plinking Gun (Part 3)
The Heaviest Long Gun
Is It a Range Toy or Duty Use?
Pick the BEST of Two AR-15s
Buy Once, Cry Once Defined
AR Accessory Advice: Prioritize Aiming
Jarod's Favorite Glock
Dry Firing REQUIRES Spatial Awareness
3 Compact Handgun Essentials
Handgun Mag Release Comparison
The BEST & WORST Berettas
You Should Dry Fire at Home
Jake HATES These Sights
Hi-Power vs. High Power
Carbine vs. Mid-Length Gas System
Is an AR or AK better at ________?
Why Do We Press Check?
Loaded Chamber Indicators are WORTHLESS
An Excellent Training Gun for Young Shooters
What is My Gun Chambered In?
Meet "The Old Man's AR"
Better Than a Staccato?
Jake's Dream Guns
Glock or Sig Sauer?
Passive vs Active Ear Pro!
The Benefits of a Threaded Barrel
Jarod's Dream Guns
Poverty Tier HK SP5
The Best AR-15 Mag for the Money
Do Imported AR-15s EXIST?
AK vs AR: Which is Better?
What Makes an AK-47 So Reliable?
The ONE Benefit to Wood Furniture
Best Application for the Kel-Tec KS7
2 Signs You're on a SCAM Gun Website
Should I Conceal Carry a Revolver?
When a Fudd Walks Through the Door
Why .22lr is BEST for an 18-Year-Old
The Gun that Jake Simps After
Is Streamlight Discontinuing the TLR-7A??
True or False? Guns are Tools not Art
Shoot Suppressed for Half the Price
Choose One Life Long Handgun Manufacture
Flared Mag Well Pros and Cons #sigsauer
Jake's Rifle Stock Recommendation
Choose One Caliber for All Your Guns
Glock 19X & Glock 45: Mag Compatibility
Top Priority Accessories for Your New AR15
Are Visible Lasers on Guns POINTLESS?
Load Your Glock Mags Faster (By Hand)
Should I Train with 9mm or 45ACP?
Best Use for a Rimfire Lever Action
Choose ONE AR Manufacturer for Life
Should You Defend Yourself with a Revolver?
"If It Can't Shoot Steel it Doesn't Deserve Brass!"
The Most DISAPPOINTING Firearm: 2024
Duty vs. Competition Handguns: Triggers
What Are Wilson Combat & Sig Doing Best?
Best Beginner AR-15 Caliber
What do AKs & ARs do BEST?
Various Handgun Safeties
Double and Single Action Revolvers Explained
Springfield's Big LIE!
Consider Holster Compatibility BEFORE You Buy!
3 Things to Look for in a Rifle Case
How a Suppressor Suppresses
The WEAKNESS of the Glock 40
The Ultimate Plinking Gun (Part 2)
SIG or GLOCK is better at...
How to Improve the Gun Industry!
We Fat Shame the US Military's XM7
Should You Clean Firearm Magazines?
When to Use a Drum Mag
Clip or Mag? What's the Difference?
Skeletonized ARs SUCK!
What is a Fudd?
The Best Gun Is The One You Know
Drop the Hammer ON YOUR FINGER!!!
Gat, Piece, Strapped, & Other Gun Slang
What FN and S&W are The Best At! (According to Kern and Jarod)
What's the Point of SHOOTING GLOVES?
The Problem with NEVER Being SHOT
Which Would You Choose?
Seat that Slide
If Lucas Could Have Any Gun He Wanted
The Worst First Gun
3 Ways to Press Check
You Can Only Have One Caliber for Your Guns
Glock P-Mag vs. Glock OEM Mags
The BEST GUN ADVICE You've Ever Received
When 'Buy Once Cry Once' Makes NO SENSE!
The Unsellable Gun: 2023
A Handgun Gift for Mom
TRANSFERS: Cheaper Isn't Always Better!
The Ultimate Varmint Gun
The Ideal Gun for 400 Yard Shooting
Load your AK Mag Faster (by Hand)
Reacher's Terrible Choice of Handgun
A Christmas Gun for Dad!
Defining Firearm En-Bloc
The Ultimate Plinking Gun (Part 1)
What Taurus Does Best
Pick One: Canik or Shadow Systems?
Which is Cooler? Sig or Glock?
The Deciding Factor Between Two Classic 9mm Handguns is...
The Non-Negotiables of Shopping for an AR
What Makes a Magazine?
Black DLC vs FDE PVD Finishes
The Best Gun for a Cow Attack
Improve Weapon Light Visibility WITH A FLIPPING PENCIL!
Three Calibers, One Rifle!
All Your Guns in One Caliber
Hammer Forged Parts vs. Cast Parts in AK's
The Most SURPRISING Firearm of 2024
Rethinking Munitions!
What Does Girsan Do Best?
Brand Accountability = Great Success!
High Candela Weapon Light Applications
EDC: What's Jake Packin'?
Trigger Discipline is Key!
Why Jarod HATES these sights!
When is a Handgun Too Small?
The Gun Show Loophole EXPOSED!
EDC: Learn what Kern Carries!
Gun Comes with an Optic! Great??
[Private video]