5 Signs of a Healthy Christian

The purpose of this video playlist is to help you grow in your relationship with the Lord and to be a spiritually healthy and vibrant Christian. This doesn’t just happen. It is a deliberate act of the will. #Bible #spirituality #Christian #Discipleship #HolySpirit #Spiritfilled #Mission #Outreach #Biblestudy #Emotionalregulation Please Subscribe to this Playlist. You must choose to live for Christ and live a spiritually healthy lifestyle. But why? Does it matter? What is a healthy Christian? How do we get that way? For some of us, we are new converts and all we really know is the joy of our salvation. While this is wonderful, there hasn’t been any significant maturity. We are still babies in Christ. Hopefully, this playlist will create a thirst for more. A deeper walk with God and commitment to spiritual disciplines that will foster growth. Some were born into the faith. This can be good because much is handed down to us from previous generations. However, it is often the case that without revival, the meaning of Christianity gets more and more watered down with each generation. Look at what the Bible says about the Israelites that followed God’s miraculous deliverance from Egypt: “After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the LORD or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel” (Judges 2:10). The Israelites had wandered far from God. Being born into faith in Jehovah, it was hard for them to grasp the privilege that was theirs. They were given the title, “Children of God,” and yet for all the ritual and religious practices, they did not know God. They did not remember the stories of the relationship that their predecessors had with Jehovah. Sadly, we can get that way in the church too. So many of us were raised in the church. For some, it becomes the right thing to do—a religious practice. For others, Sunday services are deeply meaningful but not really connected to the rest of their lives on Monday. We know the Bible stories, we know the moral code, and we know the worship songs. But when Monday comes around, our real lives take over. Christianity was never designed for that. God created it as a relationship—a personal walk with God where we become His disciples and live in this world for Him every day. The purpose of this playlist is to help us become healthy in our relationships with God and live for Him every day. There may have been a time when Christ and the church meant everything to you but life, with all its pressures has taken a toll. You love God and used to serve at church, but somehow the joy has withered away. In burn out, disillusionment, and immersed in busy schedules, perhaps your church attendance has suffered, the Bible has become irrelevant, and everyday life has become a struggle. This playlist is for you. The fire may still be burning brightly in your heart. When you playlist on being a Healthy Christian, you may have said, “Yes, Lord…I want more! Give me more of what I need.” Even if you’re serving currently at your church, spending time in prayer, participating in Bible studies and devotions, and want to live for God—this playlist is for you, too. There are no perfect Christians. We all need to grow and mature somewhere in our relationship with Christ. No matter who you are, wherever you are in your walk with God, there is room to mature. Let’s work together so we can become Healthy Christians. If you desire there is a Five Signs Of A Healthy Christian Workbook written by Ronald Ovitt. You can order at www.amazon.com/Five-Signs-Healthy-Christian spiritually/dp/1981080945/ref=sr_1_8?crid=I2XL9WF7RH5Q&keywords=ronald+ovitt&qid=1704780594&sprefix=ronald+ovitt%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-8 This workbook is most effective when used as part of a group study. You will benefit from interaction with others and group discussion. Before you listen to each lesson, prepare yourself with an open mind and heart. Start with prayer: “God, please speak to my heart and help me live the way you want me to live.” Then, whether you have joined a group, answer the group discussion questions. May God bless you as you participate in this Healthy Christian adventure!