Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) - Prof. S. A. E. Miller, Ph.D.

Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics Prof. S. A. E. Miller, Ph.D. Course Webpage The University of Florida Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Theoretical Fluid Dynamics and Turbulence Group Course Objectives: This course introduces students to the general theories, numerical algorithms, and processes of computational fluid dynamics. The main objectives are to understand the pre-process that includes the definition of the problem and grid generation, the solver, and the post-process that includes analysis of the results. The students will learn to interpret computational fluid dynamics results and develop skepticism that is balanced by verification and validation techniques. Throughout the course concepts will be illustrated through the use of one popular commercial computational fluid dynamics computer program. The students will have fundamental knowledge of boundary conditions, grid generation, solvers, turbulence modeling, visualization, numerical methods, and a variety of special topics at the termination of the course. Course Description: General theory, skepticism, and practice of computational fluid dynamics. Computational grids and generation, boundary conditions, fluid dynamics, numerical methods, visualization, turbulence modeling, and various special topics. Recommended Textbooks Müller, J., `Essentials of Computational Fluid Dynamics,” CRC Pressure, Taylor & Francis Group2016. ISBN: 978-1-4822-2730-7 (Paperback) Ferziger, J. H. and Peric, M., `Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics,’ Springer, Cummings, R. M., Mason, W. H., Morton, S. A., and McDaniel, D. R., `Applied Computational Aerodynamics,’ Cambridge, University Press, 2015. Tannehill, J. C., Anderson, D. A., and Pletcher, R. H., `Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heater Transfer,’ Taylor and Francis, 1997. Anderson, J., `Computational Fluid Dynamics,’ McGraw-Hill, 1995.