Pixels Dice! Fully Customizable LED Dice! | Nerd Immersion #shorts
Nerd Immersion
My Custom Gaming Table! | Nerd Immersion #shorts
What's Wrong With Candlekeep Mysteries | Nerd Immersion #shorts
Drizzt Scimitars by Modern Icons | Nerd Immersion #shorts
Elderwood Academy Keychain Spellbook! | Nerd Immersion #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats with 6d20? | Nerd Immersion
Dragonlance Map Revealed? | Nerd Immersion
Drow Lore Changes from WotC | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: The Bingo Method | Nerd Immersion
PipsMountain Dice Calendar! | Nerd Immersion
The Official D&D Dice from WotC | Nerd Immersion
D&D 5.5e/6e Confirmed! | Nerd Immersion
Dice Scoop | Nerd Immersion
My D&D Room (Adult Money, Adult Problems?) | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d6+1d8 | Nerd Immersion
My Mini Wall of Shame! Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 2d6+6 | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 5d6 | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: Dark Sun Method | Nerd Immersion
Why No MM? | Nerd Immersion
If You Could Have 1 D&D Class Level in Real Life | Nerd Immersion
How to Be A Better D&D Player | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d6 Down the Line | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D stats: 4d6 Drop the Lowest | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: Tic Tac Toe Method | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: The Munchkin Method aka 24d6! | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: Tic Tac Toe Method Version 2! | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: Choose Your Own Method!
Rolling D&D Stats: Rolling for Ability Modifiers! | Nerd Immersion
My Ace of Spades Diffuser! | Nerd Immersion
Rolling D&D Stats: Blackjack Method | Nerd Immersion
Box Set Proves Spelljammer Confirmed? | Nerd Immersion #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #spelljammer
1 D&D Class For Life? #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #oneclasschallenge #dndclass
Radiant Citadel is NOT Replacing Planescape | Nerd Immersion #planescape #dnd #dnd5e #radiantcitadel
WoTC's April Fool's Day Joke, Could It Be Telling the Truth? #nerdimmersion #spelljammer #dnd5e #dnd
Nightmare Before Christmas Dice! #nerdimmersion #dice #nightmarebeforechristmas #dnd #dnd5e
1985 Games Sharp Edge VHS Dice! #nerdimmersion #dice #dnd #1985games #dnddice
I'm in Boston at PAX East! #dnd #pax #paxeast #nerdimmersion
Spelljammer "Books" are 64 pages?!? #nerdimmersion #dnd #spelljammer #dnd5e
If You Could Only Fight 1 D&D Monster Type For Life? #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dragon
Get Yourself Some Nerd Immersion Stickers! #nerdimmersion #dnd #stickers
Don't Say Vecna Livestream Coming Soon! | Nerd Immersion
Lynx D&D Coasters Quick Review! | Nerd Immersion
D&D Movie Poster Controversy! #dnd #dndmovie #shorts
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle! #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dragonsofstormwreckisle
The D&D Cartoon Characters Are NOT in This Adventure! #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
GenCon 2022 Here I come! #dnd #nerdimmersion #gencon
One D&D Playtest Survey Deadline extended until the 26th...but why? #dnd #onednd #dnd5e
D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #nerdimmersion #dnd #shorts
Day 2 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 1 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 3 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 4 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 5 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 6 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 8 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 9 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 10 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 11 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 12 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 13 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 14 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 15 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 16 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 17 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 18 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 19 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 20 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 21 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 22 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 23 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 24 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
Day 25 Opening the D&D Official Countdown Gift Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd5e
The Countdown Gift Calendar is done! #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd #dnd5e
30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #shorts #nerdimmersion #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 1 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 2 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Serpent Scale Mail Clarification #nerdimmersion #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #shorts
Day 3 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 4 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 5 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 6 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 7 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 8 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 9 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 10 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 11 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 12 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 13 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 14 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 15 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 16 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 18 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 19 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Rick and Morty vs D&D Removed From D&D Beyond #shorts #dnd #dnd5e
Day 20 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 21 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 22 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 23 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 24 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 25 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 26 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 27 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Puppies First Snow! #shorts #snow #beagles #dogs
Day 28 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 29 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Day 30 of the 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dungeonsanddragons
Crazy D&D Amazon Black Friday Sales! #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd #dnd5e
NEW ONE D&D PLAYTEST TOMORROW 12/1/22! #dnd #shorts #onednd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
D&D Beyond Advent(ure) Calendar Days 1-3 #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dndbeyond
Day 4 of the D&D Beyond Advent(ure) Calendar! #dnd #dndbeyond #nerdimmersion #shorts
Days 5-7 of the D&D Beyond Advent(ure) Calendar! #dnd #dndbeyond #nerdimmersion #shorts
Kobold Press Advent(ure) Calendar! #dnd #koboldpress #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #shorts
Days 8 of the D&D Beyond Advent(ure) Calendar! #dnd #dndbeyond #nerdimmersion #shorts
Kobold Press Advent(ure) Calendar Day 8? 12?! #dnd #koboldpress #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #shorts
Days 9 of the D&D Beyond Advent(ure) Calendar! #dnd #dndbeyond #nerdimmersion #shorts
Kobold Press Advent(ure) Calendar Day 9? 13?! #dnd #koboldpress #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats: Me Edition for 2023! #dnd #nerdimmersion #rollingstats #shorts
1st Roll of 2023! #shorts #d20 #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
Unboxing My Silver Play Button! #nerdimmersion #dnd #shorts #playbutton
The Bow is NOT Strung or Strung Backwards #nerdimmersion #archery #bow #shorts
Someone Sent Me Dice! #shorts #dice #nerdimmersion #dnd
Rolling D&D Stats: 8d20! #dnd #dice #nerdimmersion #shorts #pathfinder #rollingstats
Pathfinder Humble Bundle! $400 Worth for $25! #shorts #nerdimmersion #pathfinder
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d20 Averaged #dice #nerdimmersion #rollingstats #dnd #pathfinder
RPG Worlds Humble Bundle! Kobold Press, Nord Games, Frog God Games & More! #shorts #dnd #dnd5e
Acquisitions Inc. Series 2 News! #shorts #acqinc #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
Owlbear Druid?!?! #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #druid #onednd #nerdimmersion #unearthedarcana #uaplaytest
Rolling D&D Stats: The Pandemonium Method! #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #rollingstats #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats: 2d8+2 (Feywild Method) #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #shorts #rollingstats
Night Shifts! Maybe No Videos? #shorts #nerdimmersion #dnd
PAX East 2023!!! #nerdimmersion #shorts #paxeast #paxeast2023
Rolling D&D Stats: 20-2d6 #dnd #shorts #rollingstats #dice #nerdimmersion
D&D Movie Summer Release? #shorts #nerdimmersion #dndmovie #dnd #dndshorts #dnd5e
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d6 Drop the Lowest +4 #shorts #dnd #nerdimmersion #rollingstats #dnd5e #dice
Rolling D&D Stats: D100/5 #shorts #dnd #nerdimmersion #rollingstats
Rolling D&D Stats: The Shadowfell Method (1d12+6) #shorts #dnd #nerdimmersion #rollingstats #dnd5e
Rolling D&D Stats: Focus & Foible Method #shorts #dnd #dice #rollingstats #nerdimmersion #dnd5e
Rolling D&D Stats: Standard Array +/- Method! #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #rollingstats #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats: +4/6 Method #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #rollingstats #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats: 2d6+6 #shorts #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #diceroll #rollingstats
Rolling D&D Stats: The Damage Method! #dnd #dnd5e #rollingstats #dice #nerdimmersion
Rolling Stats: Pathfinder 24d6 Method! #dnd #dnd5e #rollingstats #dice #nerdimmersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d10 Drop the Highest and Lowest, +8 #shorts #dnd #dice #nerdimmersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 20-1d12 #shorts #dnd #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dice #rollingstats #diceroll
Rolling D&D Stats: 3d4+5 #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #dice #diceroll #nerdimmersion #rollingstats
Rolling D&D Stats: The Greater Healing Potion Method! #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #dice #nerdimmersion
Rolling D&D Stats: 4d6 Drop the Lowest, Reroll 1s once #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #dice #nerdimmersion
My Weird d4s? #shorts #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dice #d4 #shorts
Rolling D&D Stats: 2d20 Drop the Lowest! #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #dice #dns5e #rollingstats
Day 2 of our 30 Day Dice Calendar! #dnd #dice #dicecalendar #nerdimmersion #shorts
Day 3 of my 30 Day Dice Calendar! #shorts #dice #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e
Day 4 of my 30 Day Dice Calendar! #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dnd #shorts #dice #dicecalendar
Arrow of Ilmater - BG3 to 5e! #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dnd #bg3 #baldursgate3 #dnd5e
Elixir of Viciousness - BG3 to 5e #bg3 #baldursgate3 #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dnd #allthingsdnd
Gloves of Dexterity - BG3 to D&D 5e #allthingsdnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dnd #bg3 #baldursgate3
The Whispering Promise - BG3 to D&D 5e #dnd5e #dnd #allthingsdnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #bg3
Shield of Shielding - BG3 to D&D 5e #dnd5e #dnd #allthingsdnd #nerdimmersion #shorts #bg3
The Sword of Swording! #dnd5e #allthingsdnd #dungeonsanddragons #dnd #nerdimmersion #shorts
D&D 5e - Orthon spotlight #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dndcalendar #dungeonsanddragons #shorts
D&D 5e - Nagpa Spotlight #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dndcalendar #dungeonsanddragons #shorts
Look What Showed Up From Wizkids! #dnd #dnd5e #bahamut #dndminis #bahamut #nerdimmersion #shorts
D&D 5e - Draconian Infiltrator Spotlight #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons #dndcalendar
Archfey Warlock Encounter?!? #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons
D&D 5e - Quaggoth Spotlight #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dnd #dndcalendar
D&D 5e - Fire Elemental Spotlight #dndcalendar #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons
D&D 5e - Satyr Spotlight #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dnd #dndcalendar
D&D 5e - Skull Lord Spotlight! #dndcalendar #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons
Curse Your Sudden Yet Inevitable Betrayal! #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion #dnd5e #dnd #bahamut
It is Time #nerdimmersion #PSL #basic #flannel #flannelseason #shorts #dnd
D&D 5e - Hezrou Spotlight #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dndcalendar
I love you #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #dnd #nerdimmersion #mimosa #mimosa #brunch #shorts
D&D 5e - Egg Hunter Spotlight #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #dndcalendar
D&D 5e - Sea Hag Spotlight #dndcalendar #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #dnd #nerdimmersion
D&D 5e - Stone Golem/Yochlol/Wererat Spotlight! #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons
D&D 5e - Dire Troll Spotlight #dndcalendar #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #dnd #nerdimmersion
What Men Want #dnd #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons #shorts
I can HEAR these wasps building a nest
Help Getting Started? #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd #dnd5e #sponsored
Only Got 2 Minutes? #nerdimmersion #shorts #dnd #dnd5e
Grey Slaad, Smoke Mephit, Night Hag D&D 5e Spotlight #dndcalendar #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion
Orange Wizard Needs Coffee Badly #dnd #nerdimmersion #theodoretheorange #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons
Hope this helps and let's resurrect the council or orange wizards!
Where I Got My Wizard Staff! #dndcosplay #vecnaeveofruin #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e
Beagle Familiar?! #dnd #nerdimmersion #theodoretheorange #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #beagle #puppy
Spectator and Chardalyn Dragon D&D 5e Spotlight #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion #dnd
Skills With Different Abilities in the 2024 D&D 5e PHB #nerdimmersion #dnd #dnd5e #shorts
Session Zero in the 2024 PHB #dnd #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons #dnd5e #shorts
Hazards in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #shorts #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion
Determining Ability Scores in 2024 D&D 5e #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddraogns #nerdimmersion
A Balanced Party in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #shorts #nerdimmerison #dungeonsanddragons
Heroic Inspiration in the 2024 D&D 5e Player's Handbook #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
Actions in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons #shorts
The Study Action in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion
I'm a Goofy Goober #krabbypatty #wendys #spongebob #nerdimmersion
The Influence Action in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons #nerdimmersion
Friendly, Hostile and Indifferent Attitudes in D&D 5e 2024 #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion
Potions as a Bonus Action in D&D 5e 2024! #dnd #dnd5e #nerdimmersion #dungeonsanddragons
An amazing day! #nerdimmersion #cosplay #dnd #dndcosplay #falconry
A little Old Toby to close out a great day #dnd #nerdimmersion #dndcosplay