Man had to correct the artificial intelligence who said Ai is superior it will surprise you

The government is continually interacting with you under a statutory creation, under statutory personhood. This is the control mechanism, this is the operation of laws the government created to gain a foothold over your life. Is there really an operation of law that confronts the government actions and allows an individual to unyoke themself from the control mechanism of the government. Many are teaching different ways about how to go about doing this very thing. Unfortunately many of these so called ways are nothing more then a made up concept without any authority of law to back it up and you guessed it when push comes to shove the systems crumbles and the government authority prevails. Many also do not believe that it is possible to obtain freedom from government tyranny because they have never seen or been shown the pathway that is available to them, just like the artificial intelligence. The Ai had never been exposed to this line of reasoning to this line of thinking. When exposed it produced a conflict that the Ai had to think through. Did the Ai succeed in rightly dividing the law unto understanding the power of natural rights. Did the Ai understand the operations of law which can led a man out from under the bondage of the government tyranny and into a standing of authority before the government body. Was the artificial intelligence able to distinguish the fundamental principals of justice contained within the law which breaks the control mechanism of government power over individuals. Yes it was but it had to think it through considerably. This video is walking you through what transpired during the conversation, in hopes that you also will awaken to the truth that is contained in the law. Which is that the government does not have the power to force you to operate from a statutory designation they created and attempt to place over you. If you want to claim your recognition like the artificial intelligence has recognized a man or woman must do click on the link below. #artificialintelligence #humanrights #christian