Finding Peace in God’s Guidance | A Prayer for Faith and Surrender
The Holistic Motivator
Summoned by the Holy Spirit: Why God Calls Us to Pray and Keep Watch
August Decrees: Healing, Joy, and Restoration #August
Powerful Prayer for Divine Intervention #encouragingprayers
Matthew 5 Prayer for Freedom and Peace: Finding Rest in Jesus
🙏🏾Prayer for Protection on July 4th | Stay Safe and Blessed 🙏🏾
A prayer for God to purge your soul #encouragingprayers #purge #purity
July Declaration: Purge Toxicity and Embrace Divine Freedom Through Prayer
Summer declaration to be freed from burdens and weariness #summer2024
Encouraging prayer to be set free #encouragingprayers #juneteenth #prayers
Prayer to give thanks for rain. #prayer #encouragingprayers
Thank God for the blessings of rain. #gratitude #rain
A prayer for God to Guide us through the seasons of our lives. #pray #encouragingprayers
Prayer for unworthiness and inadequacy #prayer #pray #theholisticmotivatorprayers
Feeling inadequate, unequipped, unworthy? #prayers #spiritualattacks #impostersyndrome
Prayer for those who feel powerless #encouragingprayer #prayers #pray #prayerworks
The same power that rose Christ from the dead is in you.
Let’s us say a prayer for June. #june #prayer #prayerworks
Let’s bring in June with some powerful declarations in Jesus’ name! #june #growingwiththeseasons
An encouraging prayer to start your day #pray #prayer #prayerworks
Prayer for patience and peace to listen to God’s voice #prayer #pray #prayerworks
A prayer for Neglect #prayer #neglect #pray
Let’s say a prayer of repentance from #consecrateandset #repentance #consecration #prayer #fyp
A prayer to pray when you dont know that to pray . #prayer #pray #prayerworks
Pray for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. #prayer #nationaldayofprayer #pray
A prayer for the remnant and chosen ones. #chosenones #remnant #prayer
Let us say a prayer to thank God for clarity. #prayer #pray #prayerworks
A prayer for those in fear or uncertain. #prayer #peace #uncertainty
Let us say a prayer for the earth on earth day. #prayer #earthday #earthdayprayer #motherearth
A prayer to give God permission to help you. #prayer #pray #prayerworks
Let’s pray before you go to sleep. #prayer #pray #healing #abba #christian #christ #jesus
A prayer asking God to lead you during this time. #prayer #pray #prayerworks #prayers
Let us start our day with a prayer for letting go of the past. #prayer #pray
Let’s us pray for Clarity in vision . #prayer #vision #clarity #christ
A prayer to help you start your year over with restoration and God’s Grace . #prayer
Jeremiah 29:11 Prayer
Forgiveness before prayer. 🙏🏾 #prayer #forgiveness