Yoga by Kim - Yin, Restorative, Mindful, Meditative Yoga Practices 15 to 75 minutes in length featuring Tailz the Chihuahua in selected videos

Follow my instagram for the latest updates​ Check out my website and feel free to connect or comment about how this helped you. I love to connect! Unbroken Circles and any of its content/providers are not operating as licensed medical care providers and as such are not rendering personal medical advice or treatment. Always consult your doctor or health care provider. The information given on this website is opinion and only opinion. By voluntarily participating in any programs here including exercise or using the information provided, you assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and discharge Unbroken Circles or Kimberly from all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising from use of the information therein. Yin Yoga alongside guided meditations have been key in my recovery from the Coronavirus COVID-19 and these classes are offered as a gift to those also experiencing healing from any trauma - especially those many of us have encountered as helping professionals in 2020, individuals recovering from illness, and isolation. I hope that these videos bring you peace, community, and comfort. We will make it through this! If you'd like to take a live Yoga Course with me, check out my website and get on the list for upcoming classes today Facebook Group