This video playlist contains a short collection of scenes where the music is highlighted.
The full sound track includes great collaborations and contributions : Okay Kaya, Julia Haltigan, Else Torp, Jeffrey Ziegler, Anders Christensen, Nikolaj & Mikkel Hess.
Available now via bandcamp:
And other digital platforms:
Making movies is of course all about collaboration - and this one brought together an absolute dream team of creatives - way way to many to mention all here, but a few : Simone Grau Roney, Niels Thastum, Torbjørn RIngnes, Johan Pramm, Rasmus Birch, Charades & Snowglobe Film.
Stellar performances : Nikolaj Coster Waldau, Tuva Novotny, Solbjørg Højfeldt and many more.
Most of all thank you to dear friend and favorite director Jonas Alexander Arnby for the trust, inspiration and guidance - and specifically for building a sacred space where we could experiment and learn with master editor Yorgos Mavropsaridis.
Also special thanks for the invaluable behind the scenes support & mentoring from Theodor Clausen, David Mason, Rasmus Bille Bahncke, William Andrew Raposo, Six Bit Deep & Kaja MANAGEMENT
Last but not least This Is Care Of x Henrik Gytz
#suicidetourist #exitplan #selvmordsturisten #soundtrack #originalscore #newrelease #niraojas #onelasttime #nikolajcosterwaldau #hessismore