EU action against #Coronavirus COVID-19

Follow updates on the latest coordinated measures to contain the virus and its economic impact inside and outside EU borders. #eudebates #coronavirusitalla #Covid_19 #coronavirus #CoronavirusOutbreak #Corona #COVD19 #Health #EUCO #COVID Coronavirus has now been declared a pandemic by the WHO. Almost three months after the first reported cases of infections in Wuhan (China), the outbreak of the new virus has taken a cross-border dimension that is seriously affecting global health security and economy. It is the time for rational and coordinated action based on science. Working in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO)(link is external) and EU Member States, the European Union is taking its responsibilities. Member States of the EU are taking clear, tough measures, based on the best available scientific expertise. We also stepped up our coordination among Member States, first and foremost to deal with the health aspect of the crisis, which is the most urgent. What is the EU doing against COVID-19 within its borders? “We will use all the tools at our disposal to make sure the European economy weathers this storm”, said the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, after the EU leaders' videoconference on the response to the COVID-19 outbreak held on 10 March. That day, the Commission received a mandate to further step up its response on all fronts and coordinate Member State actions. As a result, the Commission has launched a “Corona Response Investment Initiative” that will mobilize €25 billion to support national health care systems, SMEs, labour markets and other vulnerable parts of economies. Besides, the EU will allocate €140 million of public and private funding for promising research projects on vaccines, diagnosis and treatment. All efforts will be coordinated through the Coronavirus Response team launched on 2 March, which is composed of five commissioners: Janez Lenarčič, who is in charge of crisis management, Stella Kyriakides, in charge of health issues, Ylva Johansson, for border-related issues, Adina Vălean, in charge of mobility, and Paolo Gentiloni, for macroeconomic aspects.