Unveiled Mysteries

#stgermain #ascension #ascendedmasters #manifestation #meditation #thelawofattraction #universe #IAM #mountshasta IT WAS through Saint Germain's assistance that I was privileged to have the experiences re corded in this series of books, and that permission has been granted for them to be put in a form which can be given to the public. No one can realize, unless he too has had similar assistance, how great and eternal is my love and gratitude to him and those other Ascended Masters, whose assistance I had. With the exception of Saint Germain, the real names of the Ascended Masters, exact locations, records, and treasure herein described are withheld intentionally at his command, for reasons that are obvious because only by the Service of Love and invitation from the Ascended Masters is the right earned to be with them in visible, tangible, living, breathing bodies. Any other way of approach is bound to meet with disappointment and failure, for the Great "Presence" and Power which has guarded through the centuries, guards them still. One's own Inner purity, strength, and attainment are the only passports by which one enters into these activities, and association with the Ascended Masters comes about. When an individual, by conscious self-correction of his weaknesses, reaches a certain point, nothing in the universe can keep him from them. This book is written in the embrace of the majestic, towering presence of Mount Shasta, whose apex is robed forever in that pure, glistening white, the symbol of the "Light of Eternity." Its pages are a record of the way by which I was brought in touch with the Beloved Master, Saint Germain, and those other Great Ascended Masters who labor ceaselessly to assist the humanity of this earth, as it struggles on the path to Peace, Love, Light, and Everlasting Perfection. The saying that Truth is stranger than fiction applies to this book. It is for the reader to accept or reject as he chooses but the Ascended Masters, whose help I have received, have said to me often;—"The more humanity can accept our 'Presence,' the wider they open the door for us to pour greater and greater help to them; but the rejection of us, by those who do not agree with this Truth, does not remove us or that Truth from existence and activity in the universe." Those, who do accept the Truth herein recorded, will find a new and powerful "Force" entering their lives. Each copy carries with it this Mighty "Presence," Its Radiation, and Sustaining Power. All, who study these pages honestly, deeply, sincerely, and persistently, will know and make contact with the Reality of that "Presence" and Power. To those who read this work, I wish to say, that these experiences are as Real and True as mankind's existence on this earth today, and that they all occurred during August, September, and October of 1930 upon Mount Shasta, California, U. S. A. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Software used to create this video: bit.ly/simplevideocreator Get this book from amazon: amzn.to/3barSeg This presentation contains images that were used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions: link.attribute.to/cc/852804