I would die twice if anyone saw me in those.
Coldest Winter
What's the hole for?
The Navy
Cartoonist Wanted
Those pants look gay.
I'm legally Blind!
Your dog ran up and drank it.
A Real Job
If only more parents were like you.
Without it, the service sector wouldn't exist.
Can you help?
You've got a knife sticking out of your head!
Do you really think we need a gun?
He is in there spankin' it, man!
I need some condoms so I can make love to my lover.
Old Pimp's Home
The Cat in the Hat
Could you please explain how this ad is misleading?
Twenty-Six Years Ago
Don't you be talking about my motherboard.
I got my unemployment check!
Andy offers Kevin spaghetti at 9:00
Did you agree to provide a reference for Andy French?
You didn't get that job.
I am doing it to help Andy!
That is so Kafkaesque.
It's pretty fun. I don't even come in if I don't want to.
We Ewoks Danced
Do you wanna go somewhere?
Pretty Skanky
Truth or Dare
Which one is she talking to?
Cartoonish Villain
Hey, I'm Jim.
Would you like a ride to the unemployment office?
My next-door neighbor. You're working here?
Am I gonna crash here or what?
Caricaturist Wanted
Anus Bar
Our Club
That's kind of sweet, actually.
What I'm about to tell you may forever change the way you see your brother.
People Wore Coats
Don't do that.
Just be yourself.
It's not my date.
Say hello to my little friend.
Can you believe someone left these brownies on the subway?
Kevin started a fire and you'll never guess how.
My name is Shelly.
Gotta love the internet.
Maybe those boys didn't do exactly what they're accused of, but they've done other things.
A Graphic Expletive
Freeloading Social Parasites
Where's justice?
This one looks normal. You must have bought it by mistake.
I don't want my life used to sell M&Ms.
My generation played a really mean trick on me.
Wanna get sloshed?
I spent three hundred bucks of my own money!
Bullet in the shoulder wiped that smile off my face real fast.
Lucky for me, we had Nam.
What is the voice of young America talking about today?
Excuse me, I think I need some help.
Shooters Night at Hooters
Not in the good John Waters way.
When is something good gonna happen?
I never would have talked to you.
There's an opening in the art department.
If there's a gun . . .
Something with an "R"
I Hate Dances
Would somebody come feed the dog, please?
We can't afford hoes.
Rosey Palmer
You know, with all the hunger and illiteracy in this country should we really be wasting money. . .
I'm feeling so damn sexy right now.
Angel Baby No
I'll go get help.
Why do you hate me?
MTV is the vanguard of the corporate cultural consumption monster.
No credit. Pay now.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this but you have sense of humor cancer.
Come to the bedroom and see what I found.
Have you been smoking?
I'll do something funny and you draw a cartoon of it.
I hope you know how.
Would you like a cup of coffee?
I can die in peace.
The Sight of Vomit Is Starting to Bore Me
Playboy's #6 Party School
I'm barely WB material.
See you around, Water Balloon.
I'm a leaf in the wind.
Get in the back.
Let's do some crimes.
Expecting a big harvest?
Organic Vegetables
Put down the imaginary knife before you pretend to hurt yourself.
8:22 AM The Journey to Enlightenment
The Cool Club
I need high SATs so I can get into a good college where I can play hoops at.
There are women touching each other in this magazine.
Where Dee Beans At?
Have a good time at the ski tournament!
But they rob my store!
Many times. But I'm always up for more.
There's lipstick on that chicken.
One Cool Baby
Why am I so unlucky?!
She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain
You're dripping food on the couch.
Everybody Hurts
Sub-Mainstream Indie Punk Universe/Metaverse
Regular People
Why can't you just eat your own puke like every other dog?
Attempted Murder
Hit me!
Gus, your hands are freezing.
Justice League. Aquaman speaking.
I'm pretty excited about this transfer.
Sex and Fights
Stogie, down!
What I gotta do?
It takes all kinds of fruits to make fruit cup.
Richie Rich
Jobless and Sober
We have proof.
You sold me into slavery!
11:10 PM The Geopolitical Tides Are A-Turnin'
Do you have any trouser hangers?
I've got a hot date with big funny jugs.
I owe it all to you, Gus!
You're stuck with it.
Alright. Here goes.
Looking good, Andy!
Why is Kevin a hero?
Now let's get home . . .
Geordi La Forge
A Misuse of Lasers
That's been our life ever since.
The president promised Dennis his very own white house intern.
I Murdered Fred Mertz
My name is Kevin French.
9:32 AM Dennis Rodman
That is a hurtful term.
I hope you know what you're doing.
What are you looking at?
Aren't you gonna kiss me goodnight?
Every man's wildest fantasy.
We could all learn a lot from fruit cup.
Nuclear weapons is wrong-hearted.
George Lucas
I'm gonna pull this car over right now.
The Worst Part
New condoms?
None of that in here.
Are you sure this is dog food?
Your Inner Light
One Two Three Four
Scrooge McDuck
Scientific Method
I've never been depressed like this before.
I'll take care of it.
No Smoking
The Final Level
Ministry of Silly Walks
My new fiancé is here!
What if they ask for my ID?
Birthday Cake
I got up and sang with the band.
What are you high?
Don't get excited, Chimpy.
I can't believe I'm being nice to you and nobody's around to appreciate it.
It is true. It happened on Star Trek.
I love you, Stockholm!
Carlos, you're being bourgeois.
A Bill Oakley/Josh Weinstein Production
Crazy World
5:49 PM This Was Supposed to Be the Best Night of My Life
11:20 AM Our Very Way of Life Is at Stake
Happy Birthday, Kevin
Mom, what do drugs smell like?
To Me He Was
We'll put a lightbulb on his chest.
Ain't that great?