Who Truly Deserves the Title of the Chosen One in Star Wars?
Vader's Fortress
How Did the CIS Almost Rise Again to Challenge the Empire—Eight Years After the Clone Wars?
[Deleted video]
Why Darth Vader HATED Darth Mauls Lightsaber
What Happened to the Woman Who Tried to Flirt with Darth Vader?
Why Did Darth Malgus Kill His Own Wife?
The HORRORS Of The SECOND Clone Wars
Why Starkiller IS The BEST Lightsaber Duellist Of ALL TIME
How Darth Vader Justified Killing Younglings #younglingslayer3000 #darthvader
How Did Palpatine Destroy the Only Jedi Artifact That Could Have Prevented Order 66? #starwars
How The Weakest Jedi Survived Order 66 And Became A Leader Of The Separatist Remnant
Would Qui-Qon Have Stopped Anakin From Falling To The DARKSIDE If He Had lived?
How Did Palpatine Spend His Quadrillions of Credits?
[Private video]
Why Is FULL POTENTIAL Darth Maul Way More Powerful Than You Might Think
Who Was The ONLY Jedi General Grievous Respected?
What If Darth Maul Had Killed Palpatine During The Clone Wars?
How Did Palpatine Kill His GREATEST Rival?
Does Earth Exist In Star Wars?
How Did The Eternal Empire Defeat Both The Republic And The Sith Empire At The Same Time?
An A.I Generated Star Wars Fan Film...
How Was The Original Concept Art For Aayla Secura Incredibly Creepy?
How Exar Kun Created One Of The Most Powerful Superweapons Ever
Where Do The Different Accents In Star Wars Come From? #starwars #starwarsexplained
How Was A Nightsister The Main Villain Of The FORGOTTEN Star Wars Film?
Who Was The Most Powerful Jedi To Ever Live? #starwars #starwarsexplained
Why Did General Grievous Have Obi-Wan and Anakin’s Lightsabers During His Duel With Kenobi?
Why Was Plo-Koon The Clones Favourite Jedi? #starwars #starwarsexplained
How Was Being A TIE Pilot The Worst Job In The Galaxy?
Who Was Palpatine’s Favourite Sith Lord? #starwars #swtor #starwarsexplained
How Ahsoka Was Inspired By Lord of the Ring’s Gandalf
How Does Ahsoka Have The Highest Kill Count Of Any Jedi?
What Would Have Happened If Palpatine Joined The Jedi Order As A Child?
Why Did Count Dooku Hate General Grievous Lightsaber Collection?
What Was The Sonic Shockwave Lightsaber?
How Darth Revan’s Master Used Two FORBIDDEN Lightsaber Forms #starwars
What Was The Horrifying ACID Lightsaber? #starwars
How Did Emperor Palpatine Once Go Full Jigsaw Mode?
Why Did Ancient Sith Lords HATE Palpatine and Darth Vader?
How Did Yoda Single-Handedly Take Down An Entire Droid Army?
How Vader Used An Overpowered Force Ability To Kill An Army of Sith Cultists
Why Did Palpatine FORBID General Grievous From Duelling Anakin Skywalker?
Why The JEDI Created The MOST BRUTAL Dark Side Ability
Why Did Both The Jedi and Sith HATE This Lightsaber Variant?
How Did Grand Moff Tarkin Become EVIL?
How Did IG-88 Almost DESTROY the Star Wars Galaxy? Star Wars Legends
Could The US Military Defeat ONE Imperial Star Destoryer?
What Was The Terrible Fate Of Palpatine's FORGOTTON Son?
Why Did So Few Jedi Wield Double-Bladed Lightsabers?
How Did Count Dooku Think the Clone Wars Would End?
Why Could Darth Malgus Use Force Lightning While Darth Vader Couldn't?
Why Dooku Believed Yoda Had Once Embraced The DARK SIDE
How Did Palpatine TORTURE Maul Into Becoming His Apprentice?
The OVERLOOKED Bounty Hunter Who Killed COUNTLESS Jedi
Why Clone Troopers HATED Mandalorians
Why All Mandalorians HATE Droids
Why Plagueis Went to Meet Anakin in The Phantom Menace
Why Jabba The Hutt Forced His Favourite Dancer To Wear Strange Clothing?
Why Orange Lightsabers Are WEAK And RARE
What Caused Darth Vader's Death In The Return Of The Jedi?
The New Jedi: Survivor Villain Is UNKILLABLE
Grievous Was ALMOST Force Sensitive
The ONLY Man Boba Fett FEARED
Why Do Most Mandalorians Get One Shotted Despite Wearing Beskar Armour?
Why Did Luke Skywalker Use A SITH Lightsaber Crystal For His Green Lightsaber?
The Mandalorian Viewing Figures And Ratings Are Disappointing For Disney…
Why Was General Grievous So PATHETIC When He Fought Obi-Wan In Revenge Of The Sith?
Why Was The Forgotten First Jedi Purge FAR WORSE Than Order 66?
Who Is This?!
What Happened When Mace Windu Returned To Fight Full Potential Darth Vader?
Din Djarin's New Droid Is More Important Than You Think...
The BIG Problem With The Bad Batch…
Pre Viszla's Head Rolls Down Steps In BRUTAL Darth Maul Deleted Scene
What The Hell Is This?!
I Bet You Missed This Important Old Republic Reference In The Mandalorian…
Why Was Darth Maul Nearly Beaten By Pre Vizsla During Their Duel For The Mandalorian Darksaber?
Why Orange Lightsabers Are WEAK
Why Did Darth Maul Stop Using The Mandalorian Darksaber?
The Sith's MOST POWERFUL Weapon
What Are The Infamous Mythosaurs Of Mandalorian Legend?
What Was It Like To be Hit By A Blaster Bolt?
Who Were The Mandalorian Gods?
How Jedi Could Use Force Lightning
Grogu Should Have Gone INSANE During This Scene
Did Boba Fett KILL Luke Skywalker's Aunt And Uncle?
What Was The Most Brutal Thing Boba Fett Ever Did?
What Was In The FORBIDDEN Rooms Of The Jedi Temple?
This Weapon Is PERFECT For Defeating Jedi
What Were The 3 Extremely Powerful INVISIBLE Lightsabers?
This Mandalorian News Is Disappointing...
What Was The Project Blackwing ZOMBIE Lightsaber?
Why Didn't Jedi Or Sith Wear Mandalorian Beskar Armor?
What Happened When DARTH VADER Fought A 4000 Year Old Jedi Master And A ZOMBIE HOARD
Was The Mandalorian Darksaber A Lightsaber, Or Something Different?
Disney Is SELLING Star Wars?
This Is Important...
Did Any Jedi Use A RED Lightsaber?
Why Ki-Adi Mundi Had A MASSIVE Head
What Happened When Darth Vader Visited Padme's Tomb? [CANON]
Why Palpatine FEARED Qui-Gon Jinn
What Was The Insane Ability That Only Starkiller And Palpatine Could Use? #shorts
What Is The MOST POWERFUL Lightsaber Color?
What Did Darth Vader Do In his Free Time?
Would Darth Vader Be More Powerful If He Upgraded His Suit?
What Is The Meaning Of BROWN Lightsabers?
Why Does Ahsoka Have A Yellow Lightsaber? #shorts
Is Anakin More Powerful Than Luke Skywalker?
Will Snoke Appear In Mandalorian Season 3?
Why The Jedi Hunted This Creature To Extinction...
How Close Did The Clone Rebellion Come To Toppling The Empire?
The Clone Uprising Is Coming...
Who Is The God Of The Sith?
When Darth Vader Was Bitten By Mustafarian Lava Zombies
How Did Darth Revan Die?
The FORGOTTEN Sith Who Fought The Entire Jedi Council And Killed 2000 Jedi...
Why Ki-Adi-Mundi Is A WAR CRIMINAL
Did Lightsabers Ever Need Charging?
Why Grey Jedi HATED Obi-Wan Kenobi Specifically
Why The Clones Switched To Phase 2 Armour
The DARK Origin Of Phase 3 Darktroopers
What Happened To Commander Cody After Order 66
How Did Anakin Skywalker Become A Force Ghost?
The DUMB Reason Why Count Dooku Thought Anakin Skywalker Was A Bad Lightsaber Duelist
When Luke Skywalker Had A RED Lightsaber...
Who Is The GREATEST Lightsaber Duelist Of All Time?
Mandalorian Season 3 Might Bring Back This INSANE Dark Jedi From Star Wars Legends...
Star Wars Battlefront 4 Would Have Been AWESOME!
The Andor End Credits Scene Perfectly Encapsulates The Empire...
Aayla Secura And Kit Fisto's Secret NAUGHTY Relationship...
How Did Obi-Wan Kenobi React To Darth Vader's Redemption?
BRUTAL Order 66 Quinlan Vos Death Deleted Scene [Revenge Of The Sith]
The Most Disturbing General Grievous Deleted Scene? [Revenge Of The Sith]
Star Wars FINALLY Shows Why Regular Bullets Are Better Than Blaster Bolts
Darth Vader's Wounds DID NOT Make Him Weaker
Darth Maul's Original Design Is TERRIFYING
Padme Tries To KNIFE Anakin Skywalker DELETED SCENE [Revenge Of The Sith]
Is Disney Secretly FIXING The Rise Of Skywalker?
Anakin Skywalker Vs Obi-Wan Kenobi Extended DELETED SCENE [Lava Tsunami]
General Grievous Uses Mashed-Up Clones As Ammunition In R-Rated Deleted Scene [Revenge Of The Sith]
How Palpatine Defeated 3 JEDI MASTERS In 10 Seconds
The TERRORS Outside The Star Wars Galaxy
This Darth Revan Clone Wars Deleted Scene Would Have Changed EVERYTHING
Why Captain Rex's Armor Is The BEST
Kit Fisto Vs Palpatine Deleted Scene
Is THIS The Most Unique Force Ability?
Star Wars Theories Are Getting DUMBER...
What The EMPIRE Did With CAPTURED Rebels
Order 66 Youngling Slaughter Extended Deleted Scene [Revenge of the Sith]
How Darth Vader FORCE CHOKED Palpatine During The Revenge Of The Sith
Star Wars Has NEVER Been This DARK....
What Happened When Darth Vader Fought A Clone Of HIMSELF?
Why Count Dooku Violently Dispatched Of His Older Brother
Did Mace Windu Actually Defeat Palpatine? + MACE WINDU LORE SHORTS COMPILATION
Why Count Dooku Wasn't Physically DEFORMED By The Dark Side... + COUNT DOOKU LORE COMPILATION
The DEPRESSING Fate Of The Man Who Fired The Death Star Superlaser
Why Was Darth Vader TERRIFIED Of Clone Order 151?
Is Dave Filoni's Tales Of The Jedi 'TOO SAFE'?
Was Mace Windu More Powerful Than Count Dooku?
How Clone Contingency Order 4 Could Have Made Mas Amedda Emperor Of The Galaxy
Why Order 65 Could Have RUINED Palpatine's Sith Plan
Did Darth Maul Become Less Powerful After His Duel With Obi-Wan Kenobi?
Why Didn't The Republic Clone A JEDI ARMY?
Why Obi-Wan Kenobi Fought A Tusken Raider Jedi
The Clone Contingency Order WORSE Than Order 66 [NOT Order 37]
What Was Palpatine's Order 99?
What Happened When Two Royal Guards Didn't Recognize Darth Vader? [Star Wars Canon]
How Skilled Were Palpatine's Royal Guards?
Why This Unique And Rare Lightsaber Variant Went Extinct
Who Were Palpatine's Secret Lovers?
How Did Anakin Kill All The Jedi In The Temple During Order 66?
Why Darth Vader HATED Palpatine's Lightsaber
Why The Jedi LIED About Qui-Gon Jinn's Death
Why Were Hutt Jedi So Powerful?
What Did Darth Nihilus Look Like Under His Mask?
Why The Jedi Didn't Find Palpatine As A Child
How Palpatine Became A Sith Lord
How Luke Skywalker Was ALMOST Evil
Could Darth Vader Defeat Thor From The MCU?
Are There Nuclear Weapons In Star Wars?
Could Palpatine Defeat Sauron From The Lord Of The Rings?
What If Grievous Became Force Sensitive?
Why Palpatine FEARED Grievous
What Happened To Stormtroopers After The Fall Of The Empire?
What Were COLD Lightsabers?
Why Humans DOMINATE The Star Wars Galaxy
When Does Star Wars Take Place?
Why Is Half Of The Star Wars Galaxy UNEXPLORED?
The TRAGIC Story Of How General Grievous Became A Cyborg
2pac Was Almost Mace Windu?
What Were The Terrifying Monsters That Ate Ewoks?
Could Darth Maul Defeat General Grievous?
Sabine Wren Is Returning In Mando Season 3?
Andor Will Be BETTER Than The Mandalorian?
Disney Doesn't Understand Stormtroopers...
How Stormtroopers Actually Had INCREDIBLE Aim
Why Blaster Bolts Are Different Colors