President Trump: We Will Win The Great State of New Mexico In 2020
Trump War Room
Trump: Democrats want to give free health care to illegal immigrants
President Trump: Democrats Want To Ban The Energy That Drives Our Economy
Trump: Wages Are Going Up, The Economy Is Doing Great, And Jobs Have Never Been Better
Mike Pence: The Last Two And A Half Years Can Be Described As Promises Made Promises Kept
Trump: The Forgotten Men and Women of America Will Never, Ever Be Forgotten Again
Trump: I Am President of USA, Not President of the World
Trump: ‘Fighting To Expand Opportunity for Citizens of Every Background and Every Race’
Trump: The U.S. Has the Hottest Economy in the World
President Trump: My Administration Is Fighting To Empower All Americans
President Trump on The Green New Deal: It Will Make Us A Hermit Nation
President Trump: I Will Never Allow 'Left-Wing Democrats' To Take Away Your Liberty
President Trump: Democrats Want To Get Rid Of Oil
President Trump: Democrats Want To Tear Down Symbols of Faith & Shut Down Conservative Voices
President Trump: Our Troops Should Not Be Involved In Ancient Sectarian Conflicts All Over The World
President Trump: We're Rebuilding Our Military Stronger Than Ever Before
President Trump In Dallas: We’ve Got 30,000 People Outside & We Broke The Record Inside Tonight
President Trump: Legal Immigrants Are Hit Hardest By Illegal Immigration
President Trump: With Your Help, We Will Lift Millions of More Citizens From Welfare To Work
President Trump: We Will End The AIDS Epidemic In America In Less Than 10 Years
President Trump: No Enemy Stands A Chance Against The Righteous Might of The United States Military
President Trump: The American People Are Fed Up With Democrat Lies, Hoaxes, & Extremism
President Trump: The Democrat Health Care Agenda Would Obliterate Medicare
President Trump: We Have Confirmed 157 Judges To Follow The Constitution As Written.
President Trump: Ask The Boys From Covington Catholic High School About The Dems Radical Agenda
President Trump Touts The Historic Stock Market Highs
Presidnet Trump: The American People Are Fed Up With Democrat Hoaxes
President Trump: President Obama Left 142 Openings For Judges, Thanks Obama
Rand Paul: President Trump Has Great Courage. He Faces Down The Fake Media Every Day
Daniel Cameron Kentucky AG Candidate: Kentucky Is Trump Country
President Trump: Democrats Need To Pass The USMCA For America
President Trump: I Will Always Protect Medicare For Our Nation's Seniors
President Trump: We Support, Protect, And Defend The Constitution
WATCH: Duck Dynasty Stars Join President Trump On Stage In Louisiana
President Trump: Republicans Believe Our Cities Should Be Sanctuaries For Law Abiding Americans
President Trump: We Are Making America Greater Every Single Day!
Trump: American Special Forces Gave The World's Number One Terrorist A One-Way Ticket To Hell
Trump: Democrats Are Trying To Overthrow The Last Election Because They Know They Can't Win In 2020
President Trump: Democrats Need To Stop Their Ridiculous With Hunts And Pass USMCA
President Trump: My Administration Will Always Protect Patients With Pre-Existing Condition
President Trump: We Are Building The Wall Faster Than Anyone Thought Possible
President Trump: Together We Will Make America Great Again
President Trump: Americans Have So Much To Be Thankful For
President Trump: Democrats Are Trying To Overturn The Last Election
President Trump: If Democrats Are The Elite Than We Are The Super Elite
President Trump on Impeachment: It's A Witch Hunt Look At The Polls
President Trump: Democrats Want To Impeach Me For Anything
President Trump: We're Going To Take Care Of Our Warriors
President Trump: The Washington Establishment Is Trying To Stop Me Because I'm Fighting For You
President Trump: Hunter Biden Made Millions Once His Dad Became Vice President
President Trump: We've Been Waiting For Months On Nancy Pelosi To Pass USMCA
President Trump: Democrats Want To Give Away Health Care To Illegals, I Will Never Allow That
President Trump: We Believe In An Immigration System That Puts Americans' Needs First
President Trump: I Will Not Allow Our Immigration System To Be Used Against Us
President Trump: America Will Never Be A Socialist Country
President Trump: We Want America To Have The Cleanest Air And The Cleanest Water
President Trump: We Will Defend Privacy, Religious Liberty, & The Right To Bear Arms
President Trump: Does Anybody Think The Media Is Honest?
President Trump: U.S. Special Forces "brought the world's number 1 terrorist to justice."
President Trump: Impeachment is about Overturning Your Vote
President Trump: Democrats Who Vote For Impeachment Will Be Voting To Sacrifice Their Career
President Trump To Supporters: "You're the elite!"
President Trump: "Wages for low-income workers have gone up more than 10 percent"
President Trump: The Only Way To Stop The Rabid Partisan Democrats Is VOTE!
President Trump: We Are Putting America First!
President Trump: What Is Wrong With Joe Biden?
President Trump: We will strongly protect patients with pre-existing conditions
President Trump: We Will Enact Trade Deals That Result In Products Stamped With "Made In The USA"
President Trump: "Democrats ... are declaring their deep hatred and disdain for the American voter."
Trump Reacts To Hearing That Every GOP House Member Voted Against The Democrats Impeachment Sham
President Trump: I Don't Know About You But I'm Having A Good Time, It's Crazy
President Trump On Clinton Campaign Paying For Dossier: "It's a disgrace!"
President Trump: I Am The First President To Be Impeached Where There's No Crime
President Trump: After Years Of Rebuilding Foreign Nations, We Are Finally Rebuilding Our Nation!
Trump Touts Historic Lows In Unemployment for Black Americans, Asian Americans, & Hispanic Americans
President Trump Touts The Economy Crowd Chants Four More Years
President Trump Touts Ford's Resent Investment In Michigan
President Trump: I Recognized Israel's True Capital And Opened The American Embassy In Jerusalem
President Trump: In America we don't worship government, we worship God
President Trump: Democrats Want To Impose "Conformity" By "Tearing Down Crosses & Symbols of Faith"
President Trump: "We Will Not Rest Until Anti-Semitism Has Been Destroyed"
President Trump: After Years Of Stagnation, Wages Are Rising Twice As Fast For Low Income Workers
President Trump: "America Will Never Become A Socialist Country."
President Trump: America's future has never ever looked brighter
President Trump: If you dare threaten our citizens, you do so at your own grave peril
Trump on protecting the U.S. embassy in Iraq: The planes "got there immediately"
Trump says Democrats have expressed their outrage over Soleimani's termination instead of his crimes
President Trump: We are restoring our world to the path of peace. Peace through strength
Trump: "We've brought a lot of car companies into Ohio...they're coming in from all over the world"
Trump says "wages are rising fast" with "the biggest percentage increase...for blue collar workers"
President Trump says the betrayal of Ohio workers "ended the day I took the oath of office"
President Trump: The USMCA will save the American auto industry & create over 100,000 new auto jobs
President Trump Rips Socialist Bernie Sanders As The Leader Of The Democrat Party
Trump on Bernie Sanders' Medicare For All: "Sanders' healthcare plan would cost over $32 trillion"
Trump: Bernie Sanders condemned the U.S. military strike on Soleimani, the world's top terrorist
Trump says Bernie Sanders & the Democrats are outraged that we took out Iranian terrorist Soleimani
Trump: Bernie and the radical left cannot protect your family and they cannot protect our country
Trump says Democrats demonstrate their contempt for Americans by supporting deadly sanctuary cities
Trump on Democrats wanting to take away 180 million Americans' private health insurance plans
President Trump: African Americans Are Joining The GOP Like Never Before
President Trump & The American People Stand With The Iranian Protesters
President Trump: We must devote everything we have toward victory in 2020
Trump: The lowest-paid earners are currently reaping the biggest gains, this is a blue-collar boom
Trump: Democrats say 'we're not gonna win, let's impeach President Trump'
Trump: The best days for America and the best days for America's farmers & ranchers are yet to come
Trump on USMCA: Dairy exports will increase by over $300 million & egg exports by 500 percent
President Trump: Socialists like Bernie Sanders want to raise taxes and take away your health care
President Trump: Wages for the bottom ten percent are rising faster than for the top ten percent
Trump: Jeff Van Drew left the Democrat Party because he had enough of their socialism!
President Trump: Voters are making a mass exodus from the Democrat Party & we are welcoming them!
Trump: Over 2 million Millennials have gotten jobs and their wages have grown by nearly 5% per year!
Trump: The War on Energy is over and the U.S. is now the number one producer of oil & natural gas
Trump: On no issue have Democrats more thoroughly betrayed Americans than the issue of immigration
President Trump on a critical Supreme Court victory on immigration
Trump: "We are saving your healthcare while the Democrats are trying to take away your healthcare"
President Trump: "Republicans believe that every child is a sacred gift from God"
Trump: Bernie Sanders & the Democrats would strip 180 million Americans of their private coverage
President Trump: "We're stopping surprise medical billing and making everything totally transparent"
President Trump: "Probably the biggest reason that I ran was the unfair trade that I've seen"
President Trump: "Today's Democrat Party is run by left-wing extremists"
Sarah Sanders: At the end of the day, Donald Trump is still our President!
Trump: Democrats & independents are leaving the Democrat Party in droves and we are welcoming them!
Trump: "The U.S. is now the number one producer of oil & natural gas anywhere on Earth by far!"
President Trump: "What are you going to do, vote for Bernie?"
Trump: We've Been Killing Terrorists, Creating Jobs, Raising Wages, And Enacting Fair Trade Deals
Trump: The Republicans Are Energized And Nine Months From Now We Are Going To Keep The White House!
President Trump: "We Are The Party Of Equal Opportunity For ALL Americans!"
Trump On The Democrats' Impeachment Hoax: I Received A "Full, Complete, & Absolute Total Acquittal!"
Trump: We Have Given 40 Million Families An Average Of $2,200 More Thanks To The Child Tax Credit
Trump: "The Democrat Party Wants To Run Your Health Care, But They Can't Even Run A Caucus In Iowa!"
Trump: We're Saving Your Health Care While The Socialist Democrats Are Trying To Take It Away!
President Trump Honors Three Veterans Of The Battle Of Iwo Jima At Colorado Springs Rally
Trump: We've Been Killing Terrorists, Creating Jobs, Raising Wages And Lifting Up All Americans!
President Trump: "We Are In The Midst Of The Great American Comeback."
President Trump: My Administration Is Fighting To Give Americans Great Health Care!
President Trump: We've Done More To Secure The Border Than Any Other Administration In History!
President Trump: If You Want To Protect Your Family And Your Loved Ones, You Must Vote Republican!
Trump: We Will Land The First Woman On The Moon And Be The First Nation To Plant Our Flag On Mars!
President Trump: The Great Betrayal Of America Is Over, America Is No Longer For Sale
Trump: My Administration Has Taken Aggressive Action To Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus
President Trump: "We Must Understand That Border Security Is Also Health Security."
Trump: The Insanity Of The Democrat Party Is Why Millions Of Democrats Are Joining Our Movement!
Sen. Graham To Trump: "You know why you're going to win? Because you've been a damn good President!"
Senator Tim Scott Fires Up The Rally Crowd In South Carolina!
President Trump: "We Expect To Win A Historic Share Of The Black Vote Come Election Day!"
President Trump On A Brutal Crime Committed By An Illegal Immigrant In South Carolina
President Trump: "We Are Defending Your Right To Keep The Doctor And Your Plan Of Choice."
President Trump: Democrats Are Politicizing The Coronavirus!
President Trump Is Fighting To Stop The Never Ending Wars In The Middle East
President Trump On Coronavirus: We Have To All Work Together To Safeguard The American People
Democrat Candidates Support Free Welfare For Illegal Immigrants On The Taxpayers Dime!
The Trump Administration Is Lowering Healthcare Costs And Protecting Pre- Existing Conditions
President Trump's Leadership Has Lead To A Booming Economy & A Massive Increase In Jobs!
Trump Administration Has Taken The Most Aggressive Actions To Protect Americans Against Coronavirus
The Trump Administration Is Delivering for African Americans Like Never Before
Lara and Eric Trump invite a woman on stage to thank her for her strong support for President Trump
Trump Decries Left-Wing Protesters Attacking Statues Of Jefferson, Columbus, And Washington
President Trump Adds Tulsa Park To The African American Civil Rights Network
Trump on the Biden-Sanders Manifesto: Biden is running as the most extreme left-wing candidate ever
President Trump on passing Veterans Choice and Veterans Accountability
President Trump: Joe Biden and the Democrats are against “oil, gas, guns, and God.”
President Trump on Joe Biden's relentless attacks on American Workers
Trump on the Paycheck Protection Program: We gave nearly $10B to 87,000 Wisconsin small businesses
Pres. Trump: Biden will crush American suburbs and drive up electricity prices for homes and offices
President Trump on the USMCA: We will always protect dairy farmers and agriculture in Wisconsin
President Trump on his Wisconsin tele-rally: “I’ll always fight for the people of Wisconsin”
President Trump's tax cuts saved the average family of four over $5,000 a year
President Trump Joe Biden is now running as the most extreme Left Wing candidate in history
Through the PPP $14B was sent to 156,000 small businesses in Georgia, saving 1.5 million jobs
President Trump Joe Biden supports Sanctuary Cities
President Trump outlines his second term agenda to unleash the economy, drain the swamp, and more!
President Trump built the strongest economy in the world and he will do it again!
President Trump: The Biden-Harris immigration plan would abolish borders
We have removed 20,000 gang members including 4,500 members of MS-13
President Trump: Iran is DREAMING of Joe Biden
President Trump: I have approved record levels of disaster relief funding for Florida
President Trump: Early voting is underway in Nevada!
President Trump: We are leading the early vote in Michigan
President Trump: When you vote for me, prosperity will surge and taxes will be cut!
President Trump: Joe Biden wants to ban fracking and end America’s energy independence
President Trump to Democrat governors: Get your states open, let's go!
A vote for President Trump is a vote for jobs, safety, lower taxes, and freedom!
President Trump: Joe Biden is GONE!
Trump: Joe and Hunter Biden used the office of the Vice President as a "for-profit cash machine"
President Trump: Joe Biden is far more corrupt than Hunter, he’s getting a piece of Hunter's deals
Joe Biden and the Democrat Party have waged war on law enforcement, inciting violence in the process
President Trump: Under the Biden Lockdown, the Christmas season will be cancelled
Trump: Biden will destroy small businesses with his lockdowns, regulations, and massive tax hikes
President Trump gives Jared Kushner a shoutout on Middle East peace!
President Trump: 15 days from now we are going to win Arizona and secure FOUR MORE YEARS!
Trump: With your vote we will continue to cut your taxes, support the police, & defend our borders!
President Trump: Our country will NEVER be a socialist country!
President Trump: Joe Biden is in the basement today talking to his lawyers, "they caught him COLD!"
President Trump: The Democrats are trying to demean the vaccine for political purposes
President Trump: The forgotten men and women will never be forgotten again!
I’m fighting for Hispanic Americans like never before, Biden would obliterate all they’ve worked for
Trump honors Kayla Mueller in her hometown of Prescott, Arizona: Her memory will never be forgotten!
President Trump in Arizona: Everybody needs to get out and vote TODAY!
Biden will surrender your jobs to China and surrender your country to the radical socialist left!
President Trump DESTROYS Biden for saying he didn't know about Hunter's corrupt business deals