10.5Hz Binaural beats Motivation, problem solving, accelerated learning
Vibration bioresonance that heals the whole brain
Development of ESP Bioresonance
Vibration to improve memory Bioresonance & Binaural beats
Smart sounds Bioresonance, vibration therapy, acoustic therapy, vibration medicine
40Hz gamma wave EEG induction isochronic tone
Vibration that resonates with the whole brain
1000Hz 脳神経のための周波数
Binaural beats and bioresonance that stimulate the brain
[Bioresonance & Binaural Beats] Creativity
Brain power improvement Sleep time version Binaural beats & bioresonance
知性・脳力向上 活動時版 バイノーラルビート✕バイオレゾナンス
活動、活力、希望 β波 火星軌道周波数 モノラルビート
Brain power booster Learning, memory, calculation power improvement 18Hz binaural beat
Vibration for mental and physical integration (bioresonance)
40Hz Vibration that stimulates the pineal gland Isochronic tone and bioresonance
Binaural and bioresonance to synchronize the whole brain and strengthen the network
Binaural beat Napier number
Bioresonance for brain normalization, intracerebral connectivity, and prevention of dementia
Brain Stimulation Isochronic Tone
Pineal gland stimulation and blood circulation (bioresonance)
Frequency that resonates with the brain (bioresonance)
Isochronic tone for memory promotion. Background music for study
Vibrations that heal the cerebral cortex (bioresonance). center of intelligence.
Sounds that improve concentration, memory and thinking. bioresonance.
Vibrations that heal the sensory center - thalamus - basal ganglia. bioresonance.
Boost with sonic energy. intelligence, intelligence. bioresonance.
Heal the core of the brain with sonic energy. bioresonance.
Improve intelligence. Academic improvement. bioresonance. life cheat.
The sound that stimulates the pineal gland. bioresonance.
Frequency to fight coronavirus (bioresonance)
Beneficial sounds for the brain. bioresonance.
brain vibration. Vibration at frequencies that resonate with the brain. bioresonance.
Stimulate the pineal gland with sound waves and electromagnetic waves. bioresonance.
Vibrations that increase wisdom. bioresonance.
Isochronic tone for problem solving.
741Hz isochronic tone for enhanced intuition
Vibration that heals the brain cortex-frontal lobe. bioresonance.
Vibration that trains thinking. bioresonance.
Awakening of the subconscious. Theta wave binaural beat.
A sound that makes you smart. bioresonance.
Sound that promotes dopamine release and action. vibration. bioresonance
A sound that heals the whole body from the cells. vibration. bioresonance.
Inspiration. An attempt to inspire. bioresonance.
Sound that enhances creativity and artistry. Bioresonance and binaural beats.
[Hado] Heals the brain to increase the body's defenses. bioresonance
All Schumann Resonances.
The strongest binaural beat. delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma. bioresonance
Enhanced memory. bioresonance. isochronic tone. vibration medicine.
FPS, puzzle game. Vibration for better gaming performance. bioresonance
A sound that heals the basal ganglia. bioresonance
A frequency specific to the brain. 20, 40, 60, 80, 100Hz. isochronic tone
Brain Control Cells
Humans should train their frontal lobes. Bioresonance and isochronic tone
Binaural beats of theta waves that promote memory consolidation
44hz gamma wave isochronic tone. Normalize and promote brain function.
10, 20, 40, 60, 80hz binaural beats. alpha waves, beta waves, gamma waves.
Vibrations and isochronic tones that soothe the brain. Sound therapy. bioresonance.
Vibration that soothes the brain and increases brain power. bioresonance
Binaural beats to develop brain power. Beta, gamma, alpha waves
Vibrations that foster creativity. Bioresonance and isochronic tones
Motivational binaural beats and isochronic tones
Vibrations that heal the empathy center. Bioresonance
Vibrations that strengthen memory. Bioresonance
Vibrations that train intuition. Bioresonance