4Hz Binaural Beats with 70hz Base tone
Binaural beats α→Θ waves 11Hz to 4Hz
Vibrations that foster creativity. Bioresonance and isochronic tones
Vibrations that heal depression, adrenal fatigue, mental fatigue, and fatigue. bioresonance
Schumann resonance
Vibration to heal panic disorder. bioresonance
7.83Hz binaural beats. Stress resistance. theta waves. Schumann Resonance.
6Hz. theta waves. binaural beats. deep relaxation. healing
8Hz. relaxation. healing. isochronic tone
Heal your depressed heart 528Hz, 432Hz, 741Hz
Isochronic tones for relaxation
Binaural beats of theta waves that promote memory consolidation
second chakra. kidney. bladder. healing bioresonance
Neurogenesis, brain healing. bioresonance
DNA treatment frequency. bioresonance.
Stress Relief Schumann Resonance and Solfeggio Frequency
Freedom from inhibitions. German Vibration Medicine. bioresonance
396 Tesla ヒーリング
Solfeggio 174, 285, 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, 963Hz
Freedom from anxiety and guilt. solfeggio frequencies. 396Hz
Synchronization of the pineal gland-hypothalamus-pituitary gland. Autonomic nerves. endocrine system
[Private video]
Brain Healing Binaural Beats Delta Theta Alpha Gamma
Cell regeneration, β-endorphin, bilateral brain stimulation. bioresonance.
Binaural Synchronization Meditation Theta Waves Binaural Beats
Enhanced memory. bioresonance. isochronic tone. vibration medicine.
The strongest binaural beat. delta, theta, alpha, beta, gamma. bioresonance
Heal depression with the power of sound. bioresonance. vibration therapy.
Vibration that heals the autonomic nerves. Harmonize. bioresonance.
6Hz theta wave. A simple binaural beat. Meditation, Relaxation, Subconscious.
Awakening of the subconscious. Theta wave binaural beat.
A sound that raises your vibrational frequency. bioresonance.
バイノーラルビート4Hz シータ波 binaural beats 4Hz theta wave
Theta Binaural Beats 6Hz.1Hz count
Out of body. Out of body. Astral projection.
peace, comfort. Sounds that calm the mind. bioresonance.
Binaural beats that relieve stress from the conscious and subconscious and increase stress tolerance
Connection with intuition, inner self and unconscious. isochronic tone.
Sounds that improve concentration, memory and thinking. bioresonance.
Isochronic tones for anxiety relief
Isochronic tone for memory promotion. Background music for study
Binaural Beats and Bioresonance for Mental Exhaustion
Vibrations for Healing and Regeneration (Bioresonance)
Theta wave meditation
Relaxation and Healing (Bioresonance)
Binaural beat Napier number
Binaural and bioresonance to synchronize the whole brain and strengthen the network
Binaural beats gamma, beta, alpha, theta, delta all
7Hz meditation Frequency that resonates in the brain in deep meditation
Binaural beats for stiff shoulders
活動、エネルギー、希望、DNA修復 リラックス版 θ波 アイソクロニックトーン
Delta binaural beats for assist falling sleep
meditation & relaxation binaural beats theta wave
Stimulates information transmission between the left and right brains Binaural beats
relaxation binaural beat guide to theta wave
瞑想 リラクゼーション シータ波 バイノーラルビート
Binaural beats for lower back pain, lungs, relaxation, and love for self and other
Fatigue relief Binaural beat
Adrenal Healing Isochronic tone
Sleeping binaural beat Guide to brain wave during sleep Lower from 8Hz to 3Hz
Relieve anxiety, anger and frustration 6.3Hz binaural beat
8Hz isochronic tone with 528Hz and 264Hz
モノラルビート7.83Hz 滝の音(528Hz強調)
7.83Hz monaural beats with rain fall sound
binaural beats from 10 to 4Hz sliding with 528Hz base isochronic tone
スライド式バイノーラルビート 10 to 6Hz と波の音 α波→θ波
Silent Isochronic tones 6Hz theta wave
Silent Isochronic tones 4Hz low theta wave relaxation
528Hz バイノーラルビート&モノラルビート 2Hz 4Hz リラックス アンチエイジング
点滅バイノーラルビート 4Hz シータ波 1hr 創造性とリラックス
4Hz 矩形波 アイソクロニックトーン 528Hz ベーストーン
Binaural beat 7.83, 14.1, 20.3Hz triple Schumann resonances Frequency of the earth
6Hz 矩形波アイソクロニックトーン528Hzソルフェジオ周波数ベーストーン
疲労回復、瞑想 、創造性、記憶力 4Hz バイノーラルビートとアイソクロニックトーン
バイノーラルビート 小川のせせらぎ リラクゼーション 1/f light relaxation with stream
リラックス用バイノーラルビート 6,8,10(θ, α波) relax binaural beats
リラックスに 5Hz θ波 アイソクロニックトーン
アイソクロニックトーン 4Hz θ波 4Hz isochronic tones リラックスに
theta binaural beats for depression and anxiety
8Hours 8Hz binaural beats and 4Hz isochronic tones with solffegio frequency
バイノーラルビート 10Hz→4Hz 瞑想などに
Binaural Beat 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance
Binaural beat 4Hz Theta wave, meditation, healing, relaxation
バイノーラルビート 5Hz シータ波 binaural beats 5Hz theta wave