【和林奕華做朋友之交換成長:一人有一部陪我長大的電影On Exchange of Coming of Age】

甚麼是關係?甚麼是故事?甚麼是惡夢?甚麼是成就?甚麼是悲傷?甚麼是表白?甚麼是戀愛? What’s a relationship? What’s a story? What’s a nightmare? What’s achievement? What’s sadness? What’s love confession? What’s falling in love? 林奕華導演、7位港大同學、14齣電影、2天的日光、9個問題,創作了7個面對面聊天的錄像作品。 一齣齣「陪我成長」的電影,一趟透過電影與成長的「對談」,會從一定的距離找到意外的交匯?會因為探索甚麼是成長而有所成長?會成為繼續成長的靈感? Theatre director, Edward Lam, 7 HKU students, 14 movies, 2 days and 9 questions, created 7 video works of face-to-face chat. Will there be any unexpected intersection between these movies and the exchange? Will there be any growing by exploring the essence of growth? Will it become an inspiration for our coming of age? ▍詳情More details: bit.ly/3lTNohU ▍參與學生 Participating Students 陳昊凡 Chen Haofan (BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chin, Year 2) 馮芊惠 Feng Qianhui (BPsych, Year 1) 何希桐 Ho Hei Tung (BSc, Year 3) 劉柏希 Lau Pak Hei (BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3) 梁皓渭 Leung Hao Wei Vanessa (BA, Year 5) 阮辰 Ruan Chen (BEcon&Fin, Year 4) 胡希婷 Wu Hei Ting (BSS(GL)&LLB, Year 2) ▍創作及製作團隊 Creative and Production Team: 原創概念及導演Original Concept and Director: 林奕華 Edward Lam 策劃 Curator: 黃志淙 Wong Chi Chung 影像導演: 袁錦倫Kenneth Yuen @ Gain Production 拍攝 Cameramen: 王慶恒Wong Hing-hang 、 鄭正恒Chang Ching-hang 拍攝助理Assistant Cameraman: 吳統賢Tony Ng 影像剪接 Video Editor: 陳詠琪Isabella Chan @ Gain Production 行政製作Executive Producers: 林嘉玲Karen Lam、何定偉Ho Ting-wai 中文字幕Chinese Subtitle: 鄭曉婷Tina Zheng 、黎尚明 Charmaine Lai 、羅熙彥Lo Hei-yin、梁嘉惠 Leung Ka-wai 英文字幕 English Subtitle: 林嘉姻Tracy Lam、譚恩智Tom Tam 由香港大學CEDARS-GE及 非常林奕華聯合製作 Co-produced by HKU CEDARS-GE & Edward Lam Dance Theatre. ►Website: www.cedars.hku.hk/ge ►Facebook: facebook.com/hkucedars.ge ►Instagram: www.instagram.com/hkucedars.ge ►YouTube: youtube.com/c/hkucedarsge