SO PTIČICE ŠE SNIVALE (The Birdies Were Still Sleeping)
priredbe ljudskih pesmi slovenskih pokrajin
za visoke glasove / folk song arrangements of Slovene regions
for high voices
priredil / arranged by
Ambrož Čopi (roj./b. 1973)
01 ... šćë wtićäcë so snüwalë (... Even The Little Birds Were Still Slumbering)
Dve ljudski iz Rezije (Two Folk-songs from the Resia Region)
02 1. Da höra ta Ćanïnawa (The Kanin Mountain)
03 2. Jnjyn ćewa jti gnä' (The Kanin Mountain)
04 Da göra ta Škarbïnina (The Mount Škrbina)
... tu-w albo to pujütranjo (At Dawn ...)
05 1. Da lipa moja Njïvica (My Sweet (village) Njivica)
06 2. Da ta-na Sartë sëkala (She Chopped Firewood on Mount Sart)
07 3. Da lipa ma! Ke bëj na jë? (Do You Know Where My Beautiful Girl Is?)
08 Oj, božime (Oh, My God)
Tri ljudske ( Three Folksongs)
09 1. Svieti lunca cielo noć (The Moon is Shining All Night Long)
10 2. Tan dol na ravnin polju (There in the Flat Field)
11 3. Škrinja u'rehova (Nutwood Chest)
12 Adam in Eva (Adam and Eve)
13 V kwost'r b' swa (I'd Like to Enter a Convent)
... nasloni se na mo pleča ti (... Lean On My Shoulder, My Dear)
14 1. Fsi so venci beili (All the Wreaths Are White)
15 2. Zreilo je žito (The Corn Is Ripe)
16 Če bi džos bijla fčelica (If I Were a Bee)
17 San se šetao (I Was Strolling)
18 Beiži, ftiček (Fly Away, Little Bird)
Svatske pesmi (Wedding Songs)
19 1. Spazila sem Janka (I Saw (Boy) Janko)
20 2. Se tičice lepo pojo (All Little Birds Sings Nicely)
21 3. Oj, javore (Oh, Maple Tree)
22 4. Tri tičice (Three Little Birds)
23 5. Jaz sem golobičica (I am a Little Dove)
Mile mi moje ten doma (Oh, My Dear Home)
24 1. Jes ti bon kipila (I'll Buy You)
25 2. La c'e il mio amor (There, Where My Darling)
26 3. Kemu si dala rožice (Who Did You Give the Flowers To)
27 4. Ćemo ga mladi darovat ( The Young One Will Be Content)
28 5. Moje veseuje ća je šlo (My Joy's Gone)
29 Dajte novici na kolač (Give Her as a Gift)
Vokalna skupina / Vocal Group ČarniCe,
Stojan Kuret, dirigent/conductor
ČarniCe: So ptičice še snivale (ACO CD 001)
Producent / Produced by: Daniel Svenšek
Snemalec / Recorded by Aleksander Govekar
Dummy head (binaural) recording in DSD format by Aleksander Govekar.
Mastering / Mastering by: Martin Žvelc
Oblikovanje / Designed by: Ursula Lavrenčič, Megla
Posneto v župnijski cerkvi sv. Janeza Krstnika v Preski marca in junija 2007
Recorded at the parish church of St. John the Baptist in Preska, March and June 2007
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2007
(P) 2007 by ČarniCe
(c) 2008 music Copyright by ASTRUM Music Publications
Here reproduced by permission (2007 contractual payed permission, 2024 permission SKAČ)
INFO (Sheet-music):