Gain insight to a client’s emotions #counselling #therapist #counsellor #psychology #shorts #advice
Ben Jackson - Counsellor
Avoid giving advice #counselling #therapist #mentalhealth #counsellor #psychology #advice #shorts
Theory is critical to counselling skills #shorts #counselling #therapist #psychology #mentalhealth
A super brief and complete explanation of CBT #therapy #counselling #cbt #mentalhealth #psychology
Yawning in front of a client, try these ideas #therapy #counselling #therapist #mentalhealth
Learn the meaning of the word therapy # #counselling #therapist #therapy #mentalhealth #counsellor
Personal therapy is critical post-qualification #therapy #counselling #therapist #counsellor
Learn my therapy fail, so you don’t have to! #therapy #counselling #therapist #funnyfails
Try these 5 alternatives when starting a therapy session #therapy #counselling #mentalhealth
Consider these 4 alternatives to the classic question #therapy #counselling #mentalhealth
Developing empathy is about a part of you connecting with the client’s experience #shorts #therapy
Transform how you end your counselling sessions with this tip #shorts #counselling #therapist
Mastering unconditional positive regard improves your counselling skills #therapy #therapist #shorts
Avoiding Common Pitfalls: 4 Mistakes New Counsellors Must Know #mentalhealth
Avoid plagiarism, here’s why. #writing #teaching #counselling
5 Reasons to stay in the limits of your ability as a #counsellor or #therapist. #therapy
Ending a therapy session appropriately is important to for the client feels supported #therapy
Open questions are a critical part of a counsellors tool box #therapy #counsellingtips
Master the art of paraphrasing: Key tips for therapists and counsellors. #therapy #counselling
Closed questions can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no" or with a brief response #counselling
3 of my first fails as a counsellor #therapy
3 ways to build empathy: active listening, non-judgmental, & open-ended questions. #counselling
Body language is unique to the person, avoid assumptions and the uniqueness of the other person.
What is immediacy and how do we use it in counselling? #shorts #counselling #therapy #mentalhealth
Counsellors need to work ethically. What does that include and why is that important?
Verbal and nonverbal communication is key to active listening in counselling
Empathy and working with difference
5 top ways to start a session
Counselling has to involve the client, the therapeutic agreement is a co-creation with the client
Supervision for counselling is a non-negotiable.
“Break some eggs” and have fun with practicing your counselling skills.
Confidentiality is critical in counselling. Not just for safety but for freedom.
Empathy is about finding a point in us that connects with the other person. #shorts
5 alternatives to the question: “How does that make you feel?” #shorts #counselling
Either qualified or trainee counsellors, we can all struggle in a session. Here’s one solution.
Ask this instead of “How does that make you feel?” #counselling
Keeping student motivation & enthusiasm is critical.Prompt marking with supportive feedback is vital
How to write a reflective journal to use with your counselling skills
Meet your client where they’re at. Remain person-centred, the client doesn’t want to feel stupid
A key counselling tip is watch out for when you’re talking too much 🙊 #shorts
Counselling skills: How to use reflective journals to meet criteria