A lone Mandalorian veteran finds himself trapped in one of the greatest conflicts of the Star Wars universe. In this alternate reality, Revan is dead. No Prodigal Knight emerges yet against Darth Malak, but the lone Mandalorian will soon learn his fateful destiny...
Soundtracks used:
Alpha Mission - Jimena Contreras
Atlantis Rage - Jimena Contreras
Funeral in Sinaloa - Jimena Contreras
High Noon - TrackTribe
I Had a Feeling - TrackTribe
Knights of the Old Republic 1&2 OST
Jade Empire OST
Mods/Tools used:
k1dstransmod (JediShemL)
Joe's Zaalbar skin v1.0 (Joe)
Remove beeps (Sith Holocron)
Increased Attributes and Skills for both KOTOR & TSL (JediShemL)
Feat Progression (JediShemL)
"Mission Skin Pack" (Rtas_Vadum)
Mandalorian Ultimate Mod (JediShemL)
Kotor Editable Executable (FairLight)
KotOR 1 Restoration 1.2:
- ZM90, Team Leader
- Mandalore, Team Member
- Jatku, Team Member
- Fallen Guardian, Team Member
- LDR, Team Member
- Fair Strides, Team Member and main producer of the 1.1 update (and 1.2 update)
- Malkior, Beta Tester
- LiliArch, Beta Tester (though, putting them on a test is more like setting off a permacrete detonator in an apartment... :D )
- GrandmasterArcturus, 1.2 Beta-tester and LPer
To the tool creators of the community
~ Kotor Tool.....................A VERY special thanks to Fred Tetra
~ K-GFF GFF Editor/DLGEditor.....tk102
~ Lipsynch Editor................JDNoa
~ DeNCS Script Decompiler........JDNoa
~ AniCAM.........................JDNoa
~ ERF Editor/TSLPatcher..........stoffe (and later Fair Strides)
And a shoutout for SithRevan (RIP) for beginning the restoration crusade for KotOR 1. :D
Insanity mod: Credit by Cortisol using the Holocron Toolset. Inspired by this reddit post:
Effixians_Atton_from_K2_to_K1 (Effixian)
DD: Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Bodies Stay (for K1) - SpaceAlex and jonathan7
[K1]_Taris_Dueling_Arena_Adjustment_v1.3 (DarthParametric)
Freecam roam mod for K1 and K2 (Copyright (c) 2014 Damian Trebilco)
Kotor 1 Remastered .bik files (Naelavok)
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