I've learned not to be afraid of my shadow side. I do need it, after all. The parts of it that holds me back, well, not so much.  I've been working on a new product concerning our shadows. And it's finally here!! Are You Ready to Step Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors? The time to act is now. Don’t let another day pass without discovering the magic that lies within you. Head over to my shop and order your copy of Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors Shadow Work Bundle and begin your transformation today. If you're still just curious, grab the FREE Shadow Archetype Quiz first. robinfritz.com/digitalproducts Unveil the mysteries of your inner world. You’re more powerful than you think. #shadowwork #notafraidofthedark #shadowchaser #yinyang #change_in_thought #midlifer #robinfritzchange @robinfritzchange @robinfritz-change